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I don't like venison or sushi - I don't want to eat what some people think are 'luxurious' foods.
I'm on the road a lot, but I eat healthy whenever I can with foods that don't contain pesticides.
For years, I ate the same foods every day, in exactly the same manner, at exactly the same times.
The best we can do, to paraphrase Pollan, is to eat whole foods, mostly plants, and not too much.
Sorry, I don't eat any fast food. I believe in eating healthy organic foods for a better lifestyle.
There are so many amazing plant-based foods out there that I don't feel the urge to eat tofu bacon.
We need to boost our intake of healthy plant foods and reduce our dependence on animal-based foods.
I try not to eat processed foods, well, ever. If it comes from a lab or a factory, I don't want it.
You shouldn't eat anything new on race days. Eat simple foods, and ones that you can easily digest.
I don't eat a lot of fast food and I stay stay away from fried foods. I don't eat much meat either.
Find the foods and workouts that make you feel great. Everyone's different. Find what works for you.
I rely on breakfast to give me a kickstart of energy in the morning, so I choose my foods accordingly.
It's key to know which essential foods will keep you going and help your body recover after hard work.
At Whole Foods, we allow our team members to vote on what benefits they most want the company to fund.
Well, there are certain foods that I prefer not to eat because they're just such a jolt to the system.
I had to give up a lot of foods that I'm accustomed to eating: dairy products, beer, wine, spicy food.
I enjoy healthy foods but I'm not scared to have a cheat meal or cheat day, have a burger or whatever.
Many of the genetically modified foods will be safe, I'm sure. Will most of them be safe? Nobody knows.
You want to be skinny and have a good body? You have to work out every day and say no to certain foods.
Big food companies have their priorities, which include selling cheap, unhealthy foods at high profits.
There's absolutely no soda in my diet. Lots of fruits and vegetables, and I stay away from fried foods.
I went into a Whole Foods to buy chewable vitamin C and got tackled by, like, 15 girls who watch 'Empire.'
We eat pretty healthy foods, and I've taught my kids since they were little about knocking out trans fats.
A lot of my recipes I take from foods my grandmother used to cook, things she prepared for family reunions.
Simply restricting portions of the same disease-causing foods does not resolve the symptoms of toxic hunger.
Yes, natural is good and healthy, and whole foods are important. However, experimentation is important, too.
Three of the most beneficial, longevity promoting anti-cancer foods are green vegetables, beans, and onions.
Shopping in the right kind of stores and looking for healthier foods can be a wonderful adventure to health.
I've been more conscious of my salt intake, sugar intake, making sure I'm not eating as many processed foods.
Get in your kitchens, buy unprocessed foods, turn off the TV, and prepare your own foods. This is liberating.
I had to train myself to like spicy foods as I got older because they weren't a part of my upbringing at all.
I eat about 4,500 calories every day, but I eat only nutritious, organic foods, and I don't eat added sugars.
The best way to eat is to eat lots of different kinds of foods. Except for breast milk, no one food is perfect.
I try to eat a lot of baked foods, fish, chicken, potatoes, stuff like that. Grab me a Muscle Milk. That helps.
I like to enjoy foods that keep my energy levels stable. Otherwise I'd likely crash at some point during the day.
The food industry profits from providing poor quality foods with poor nutritional value that people eat a lot of.
I love to eat. I'm a foodie, and when I'm on vacation, I want to be a foodie with their culture, with their foods.
Taking in too much added sugar from highly marketed sugary foods and drinks displaces healthier foods in the diet.
I like nice food. Some people like cars, nice clothes, a nice house, and I like that stuff, but I like nice foods.
There are tons of vitamins and minerals you'll get in plant-based foods that are not soluble if you don't eat fat.
I also have a lot of preserved foods, things that will keep for a long time like dried fish, seaweed or lotus seed.
Scatter soaked hardwood chunks over your coals for a quick and easy way to add a smoky nuance to your grilled foods.
I'd rather have a good food - lots and lots of different varieties of good foods - than search for something perfect.
I don't really get hungry that much. Sometimes I get cravings for certain foods. But I can go all day without eating.
I make it very clear that cooking and soaking helps to reduce the lectins in troublesome foods like beans and grains.
As we confront the child obesity crisis, advergames that promote unhealthy foods to kids are a real cause for concern.
I've got German, Cornish and Scottish ancestry. It might help explain my affinity for forests, the sea, and fatty foods.
I love Whole Foods. I love the Austin-based boutique supermarket chain so much I find ways to go there almost every day.
Monsanto can do anything they want to you, and put anything they want into your foods. There's nothing you can do about it.
When I had kids, I had to work out how to keep my stamina up. I learned the power of protein and eating a variety of foods.