Christ's followers cannot expect better treatment in the world than their Master had.

We're really taught to be followers from a very young age - men lead and women follow.

Anyone who waits for someone else to make a change automatically becomes the follower.

I have a Twitter and have followers from all over the world. It's pretty overwhelming.

When someone posts a Socialcam video, all of their followers get an instant notification.

Leaders are leaders only as long as they have the respect and loyalty of their followers.

Followers who tell the truth, and leaders who listen to it, are an unbeatable combination.

A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but one who creates the most leaders.

All rulers in all ages have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers.

A seeker after truth, a follower of the law of Love, cannot hold anything against tomorrow.

I think Hollywood acts like followers of culture and is constantly seeking to follow trends.

Leaders have followers, managers have employees. Managers make widgets, leaders make change.

By pushing children and wanting quick success, parents are producing followers, not leaders.

Discharge my followers; let them hence away, From Richard's night to Bolingbrooke's fair day.

The Prophet defeated the enemies of Islam even when he and his followers were small in number.

I've always been a rule-follower. Even when I was a kid, I tried to do everything by the book.

There's not enough people being daring and different. There are a lot of followers in hip-hop.

When you delegate tasks, you create followers. When you delegate authority, you create leaders.

If God came to save the world, why are so many of His professed followers intent on damning it?

Followers want to be taken care of. Leaders want to take care of others. We can all be leaders.

It is peculiar but a fact nevertheless, that the gamblers in chess have enthusiastic followers.

A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear.

When I'm on Twitter, we just talk to people. I call all my Twitter followers my 'Twitter babies.'

Everybody think they're famous when they get 100,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter.

Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not.

I want to thank everyone for believing in me, even though I only have 27,000 Instagram followers.

It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from followers.

There are leaders and there are followers. Followers follow leaders and leaders follow their heart

The Buddha gave equal opportunities to women. But we, even as followers of Buddha, neglected that.

Don't be concerned with how many followers you have, be concerned with where you are leading them.

You have to look at leadership through the eyes of the followers and you have to live the message.

My own personal tweets are very limited. I think I have, like, 68 followers on my personal Twitter.

I'm on Twitter, and I have over 10,000 followers. Which is pretty modest compared to Charlie Sheen.

I've got about 5 million followers on Twitter, and if I tweet anything, there will be faux outrage.

My point, they [Trump's followers] still don't care. They're going to stick with him no matter what.

A religion cannot be sustained by the number of its lip-followers denying in their lives its tenets.

Winning is kinda the cure to all things; to getting followers, fans, success. You've just gotta win.

You did what your heart told you to do,' Brain complimented. 'It is what leaders, not followers, do.

There's a lot of pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way, have enough Instagram followers.

Loving-kindness is required, but a follower of Christ-just like the Master-will be firm in the truth.

Don't feel bad if you never 'get famous.' Don't freak out if you have less than 300 Twitter followers.

We found that we didn't have much problem with him [J.C.], it was his followers we found questionable.

To be a leader, regardless of what party you're in, is to tell your followers what lines not to cross.

If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you are just taking a walk.

A group of followers has strength because of its numbers. A following has power because of its beliefs.

Jesus called His followers to be a lot of things, but I have yet to find where He warned us to be safe.

There's no polite way to say to somebody (religious followers) 'Do you realize you've wasted your life?

In Brazil we have a comic strip in the newspaper. That one also attracts a different kind of followers.

I tend to be drawn to characters who are not rule followers, who behave in unexpected and unusual ways.

Pol Pot carried out through the years enormous purges against his own followers because of his paranoia.

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