Bangkok is a toilet without a flush.

You can flush my ashes down the toilet, for all I care.

Asparagus is the best at de-bloating, since it helps flush out the bad stuff.

I'm constantly drinking a lot of water to flush my kidneys out. That helps my body.

Just flush it if something bad happens. That's the way I was raised to play baseball.

I've played with amateurs for a million years, and they just don't hit many flush shots.

Every time someone uses a bathroom and they flush, all the bacteria is shot into the air.

I'm terribly bad at lying in real life. I flush, look away, do the scratching of the nose, or whatever.

We actually had a toilet on the sideline in college. We had like a little mini-toilet; we'd go and flush it.

It is better to have a relationship with someone who cheats on you than with someone who does not flush the toilet.

I'm horrible to live with. I don't clean. My clothes end up wherever I take them off. I forget to flush the toilet.

Some countries have more water than others - some can afford to use clean water to flush their poop away, and some can't.

I learnt a lot from a psychological point of view about having to move on and flush things and not live on previous mistakes.

In flush times, a rising tide of consumption can compensate for less than optimal branding, positioning, pricing or segmentation.

In the development business doing something for both women and the environment is the equivalent of holding a royal flush in poker.

When I do my job, I dive into these characters and try to flush something out of myself into these characters, and hopefully that translates well.

In the flush of love's light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are, and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.

My Twitter is a joke toilet, and I filter all these old, cringe-y parts of my brother and my childhood through that in an attempt to flush it down the drain forever.

Even though most of us love, love, love it when we're flush with cash, and we fantasize about what we'd do with more of it, we'd feel gross saying 'I love money' out loud.

Youth is in a grand flush, like the hot days of ending summer; and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit, like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day.

One reason to write a poem is to flush from the deep thickets of the self some thought, feeling, comprehension, question, music, you didn't know was in you, or in the world.

Indeed in the full flush of journalistic passion and conviction I once told an interviewer that of course I would never get married. And I most definitely would never have children.

Star Trek's genial premise is that the cosmos is flush with intelligent species, and our descendants will interact with them face-to-face, thanks to warp drive and some winsome space cadets.

Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia.

I didn't go to high school. I think that after you learn to read and write and do your numbers and flush the toilet behind yourself, you don't need no more schoolin'. You need to get out in the water and swim.

I come up with more ideas when I'm on the road, but I don't get to finish them. I don't get to fully flush them out because I'm so busy on the road. I'm very all over the place, but I'm definitely most creative when I'm out here.

Powerful drawing hands, like a pair with a flush draw or even conventional straight and flush draws, are often good opportunities to try a semi-bluff - making a bet or raise that you hope will not be called, but leaves you some outs if it is.

When you look at the actual data on technological innovation, one thing you see is that what I call the 'low-hanging fruit' has been exhausted. So radio, flush toilets, electricity, and automobiles - a lot of very basic inventions - have spread to almost all households.

When I would visit my octopus friend, Octavia, at New England aquarium, usually she would look me in the face, flow right over to see me, and flush red with emotion when she took my arms in hers. Often when I'd stroke her she'd turn white beneath my touch, the colour of a relaxed octopus.

I think that being raised the way I was, where everything was so uncompromising, where, you know, we're prepared to fight to the death for the soil that you believed belonged to you - that kind of extreme engagement is very difficult to flush out of your system - or your belief system, anyway.

People assume NFL cheerleaders are within some vague sniffing distance of the good life, but a Ben-Gal is paid seventy-five bucks per game. That is correct: seventy-five bucks for each of ten home games. The grand cash total per season does not keep most of them flush in hair spray, let alone gas money to and from practice.

It's amazing what you can do in your bathroom! I would do vocals and stuff on my computer that would need to be sent to London or New York for things to be added on, and I was thinking they always say you sound good in the bathroom - but then I'd kick the bin, or someone in the next room would flush the chain or something and I'd be like 'oh no!'

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