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When you flip anything, you really you just have to have the courage of your convictions.
The idea of a flip book still really appeals to me. That idea of fiction and non-fiction.
I used to practice those trampoline dunks back at Golden State. I can flip and everything.
If your mom was here, she would flip her top over your grades." "Flip her lid," I muttered.
A flip-flopper is an intelligent person who changes position when the circumstance changes.
We love music, and when it's good we flip. And we want to get to the core of why it's good.
I like ... what I characterize as more built-to-last ideas rather than built-to-flip ideas.
I'm kind of quiet but when I put my helmet on, it's like you flip a switch. I'm ready to go.
Doing simple flip books, I used to get such a kick out of it, just drawings and nothing else.
Register my money, for the money gymnastic. Cause I make it flip now they be lookin all nasty.
I tend to over-analyse things. I'm not the type of person to flip a coin and let things happen.
If you're the strongest man on the planet, you ought to be able to pick up a stone or flip a tire.
The flip side of freedom is this: When you're completely free, you're also completely on your own.
Gosh, if I'm gonna take a big stand on something I would hope it would be for more than flip flops!
I had to choose, I'd be so sad. They are flip sides of the same coin. I love both comedy and drama.
John McCain is a liar and flip-flopper and panderer and bully and whiner. And it seems to be working.
Most of us are imprisoned by something. We're living in darkness until something flips on the switch.
Sometimes I'll flip through a magazine and do a double take when I see myself in it, it's just crazy!
Flip Saunders is a great coach and a great guy. Glen Taylor is the same way. He's a great human being.
I can flip my tongue over. Only one in 10,000 people can. I learned that at Ripley's Believe It or Not!
I come from the operations side of the business, and I buy companies to operate them, not to flip them.
Storytelling, mythology and film provide a lot of hope but, on the flip side, can also create delusion.
When I get cast, I always flip to the end of the script to see if my character gets beaten up or killed.
I would flip this the other way and say over 90 percent of African-Americans voted against Donald Trump.
I always feel that if you're going to cover a song, you should make it your own and flip it on its head.
Peter Parker can't dance. He can flip and climb up walls and do backflips, but he definitely can't dance.
I like seeing someone that can sing jazz and then flip over and sing a pop song and then sing a rock song.
For whatever reason, I'm pretty good with pressure. I kinda just flip it over and think of it as positive.
I've been taking a trapeze class for the last couple of years. I'm working on my double back flip right now.
If you're going to believe in a God, then you also have to equally believe that there's a flip side to this.
I look like a dude and feel like a dude, and it sucks. But eventually I'll flip, and I'll present as female.
A lot of people have a dissatisfaction or an anger in them, so as soon as something goes awry, they flip out.
You can be first, and then in six games, you can be 12th. The results can just flip, and everybody can forget.
Don't make me flip you off" "Why would I deprive you of a favourite hobby?" "Because my finger's getting sore.
In-N-Out is incredible, but don't tell coach I've been going there. He would flip out and put some curse on me.
I could give a flying flip about doing promo because, no disrespect, nobody put me in the position that I'm in.
When I'm home I'm in much more of a routine like I said, which I like. On the road everything gets flip-flopped.
When I was a kid, the avant-garde to me was boring because it was just the flip side of being really successful.
I am just your everyday, average girl. I live by the beach. I wear flip flops. I don't wear make-up. I go to the gym.
I mean, not wanting to be flip about it, but even within a corporation, you get sort of cult-like behaviors sometimes.
On the days I'm pitching, it's almost a coin flip as to know if the guys behind me are going to be there to play 100%.
I'm super, super casual. I like boxer shorts or jeans or tank tops, tennis shoes and flip flops. That's about it for me.
I love doing projects that flip my last project on its head. And I love the challenge of taking on different characters.
Words are everything to me. Words can build you up and feel so good. On the flip side, words can absolutely demolish you.
It's a struggle for anybody to take their paradigms and set of beliefs and understandings and completely flip the script.
Archetypes are always [in my film-making]. It's sometimes interesting to just flip them a little bit and see the underside.
It was probably good you couldn't flip the love switch because sometimes it was what you needed even if you didn't want it.
Often I'll go to the market, and women will say to me: "Let me see your shoes." And then I show them I'm wearing flip-flops.
If you go through my Instagram feed, it's like a flip book of me thinking I'm way more attractive than I am. It's nauseating.
You can always say, 'I wish I had landed that triple flip better, or I wish I didn't fall.' They're not regrets, just mistakes.