True flexibility is a symbiotic partnership between employer and employee and between technology and culture.

It is necessary and critical for states to have flexibility to determine how to identify and improve schools.

With dancing, it just brings out more flexibility, more core strength, and you definitely get a great workout.

The Max 10 will provide customers with even more flexibility in terms of airplane range and higher seat count.

Homeschooling has given us some wonderful flexibility and some great life experiences, especially with our son.

Modern warfare is increasingly expeditionary and requires platforms with extended range, flexibility and endurance.

Flexibility depends upon your range of motion and will enable you to do more day-to-day tasks with comfort and ease.

Only electricity can give the transport sector the flexibility to switch fuels when one or more become too expensive.

Executives need ample flexibility to respond to the market. That means both reducing costs and increasing innovation.

Freedom always deals with 'the possible'; this gives freedom its great flexibility, its fascination, and its dangers.

I think flexibility in general is something that needs to be reinforced, and not only baseball players but all sports.

It's interesting that the book publishing industry, on the iPad, has much more flexibility than the music industry had.

The good thing about being in San Francisco is it's a city that seems to have the flexibility and undefined boundaries.

Each moment that passes changes you...You can't even own yourself. How can you ever hope to own anyone or anything else.

A cricket team is always made up of 11 different individuals and you want to give them enough flexibility to be themselves.

The variety and flexibility of ClassPass is limitless, ensuring that you'll never get bored, and neither will your muscles.

Acting requires emotional flexibility and demands, and directing is more cerebral and managerial and a tactical kind of thing.

Each customer has unique deployment needs, and as a result, CIOs value the flexibility that our hybrid cloud offerings provide.

People want to make sure there is flexibility to reallocate assets. They are trusting us to make the asset allocation decisions.

A statesman who keeps his ear permanently glued to the ground will have neither elegance of posture nor flexibility of movement.

I believe that overall if you want a growing economy what you have got to have is sufficient flexibility to allow that to happen.

A lot of people know me for my speed and my flexibility. I like to jump, but I'm not really the best jumper. I'm more of a spinner.

The women themselves say they're far more likely to care about flexibility. The men say, 'I'm far more likely to care about money.'

While men and women alike are liberated by the balance that work flexibility affords, women appear to derive greater value from it.

I'm very open to following the stories that move me and reach that flexibility where you can be more flexible. I'm expanding my horizons.

Mobile devices have given us greater freedom and flexibility than ever before, while social platforms help us collaborate more effectively.

None of our series are ever static in terms of the dates. We always have a range of flexibility to respond to whatever may or may not happen.

Air power is indivisible. If you split it up into compartments, you merely pull it to pieces and destroy its greatest asset, its flexibility.

I came into MMA and I had a strong core and a lot flexibility. I could put myself in a lot of different positions when it comes to scrambling.

When you're hypermobile, it's easy to think your muscles are flexible, but your flexibility is really around your joints and not your muscles.

The Wellcome Trust will retain a level of financial flexibility which will enable us to react quickly to unexpected developments and new ideas.

The future of healthcare security should include flexibility from the federal government to allow us to serve the state's most vulnerable citizens.

I've never seen a successful person who wasn't flexible, who didn't have a certain degree of flexibility. You have to show a degree of flexibility.

I don't see a sea change by 2020, but I see migration in the direction of modernization and more flexibility in the generating system going forward.

As an actor, I'm in such a privileged position because my work is job by job. If something doesn't fit in with family life, there's more flexibility.

With a smaller setting, you have a lot more freedom and flexibility within a given moment, but not necessarily the velocity you have with a big band.

Not only is yoga excellent for flexibility, but it is also a great tool for longevity and injury prevention, as it allows for internal body awareness.

The PHYSICAL Act gives our schools the flexibility they need to give physical education the attention it deserves in promoting our children's well-being.

It's just so much fun to make up characters, situations, and everything else about a story. I have so much freedom and flexibility to do whatever I want.

We'd be really screwed if we had to start our life over again as children with our brains right now, because I think we lose the plasticity and flexibility.

Most families need both parents to work. Moms need to be able to work and earn fair pay and have the flexibility in their jobs to also be primary caretakers.

Mississippi farmers and ranchers continually deal with factors that can mean disaster, which is why they look for certainty and flexibility in farm programs.

Karate probably gave me an incredibly deep awareness of all the parts of me, my flexibility, and the nimble qualities I'm doing, even if they're unconscious.

You want a place where you can say that this is your show that you invested in with other actors, but there's also that flexibility of being a recurring actor.

Allowing flexibility to local school districts to set their own nutritional standards and having parents involved in the process is a win-win for the students.

Our military and national security agencies will require flexibility to take steps, short of war, to counter the Iranian threat in the Middle East and elsewhere.

I do a healthy blend of mixed martial arts, dancing, functional training, and swimming. These exercises give me ample strength, endurance, flexibility, and stamina.

I actually did a lot of yoga because I found it helped with my core strength and flexibility, which are two things you absolutely need when you're doing martial arts.

I worked with HBO on 'Recount,' and we had a wonderful experience together. I'm such a fan of HBO and how much flexibility they give in character as well as schedule.

I was lucky enough to go to a school which gave flexibility around education and sport. We had a 1-hour, 30-minute lunch break, and were able to train during this time.

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