Baloney is flattery laid on so thick it cannot be true, and blarney ...

Baloney is flattery laid on so thick it cannot be true, and blarney is flattery so thin we love it.

Flattery works like a drug.

Cats like men are flatterers.

You can stroke people with words.

Truth and ceremony are two things.

A little flattery goes a long way.

Imitation is the sincerest flattery.

A flatterer is the shadow of a fool.

What valor cannot win, flattery may.

Invitation is the sincerest flattery.

Flattery, the dangerous nurse of vice.

Imitation is the sincerest of flattery.

If you mean to profit, learn to praise.

Flattery makes fools of the best of us.

Flattery is the infantry of negotiation.

Imitation is always insult--not flattery.

He who praises everybody, praises nobody.

No man flatters the woman he truly loves.

Knavery and flattery are blood relations.

I will praise any man that will praise me.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Praise to the undeserving is severe satire.

The most sincere form of flattery is money.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

People generally despise where they flatter.

Blame-all and Praise-all are two blockheads.

Oh, flatter me; for love delights in praises.

Immitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Attention is a silent and perpetual flattery.

When fortune flatters, she does it to betray.

Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.

It is easy to flatter; it is harder to praise.

Perfumed and gallant words make our ears belch.

Flattery is useful when dealing with youngsters.

Imitation is obviously a great form of flattery.

Flattery won't hurt you if you don't swallow it.

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.

Flattery is a juggler, and no kin unto sincerity.

A man who does not love praise is not a full man.

Implementation is the sincerest form of flattery.

The same man cannot be both Friend and Flatterer.

Of course you like him; everyone enjoys flattery.

Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale.

Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.

Were there no fools, there would be no flatterers.

Flattery is all right so long as you don't inhale.

I like rudeness a great deal better than flattery.

Flattery has to overcome my mistrust, and it does.

Nothing is harder to resist than a bit of flattery.

The public wants work which flatters its illusions.

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