God wears white flannels.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?

I'd love to get pajamas. Good, nice and warm flannel ones.

I'm all about flannels and layers, so that's pretty much what I rock.

Beauty is a mystery. You can neither eat it nor make flannel out of it.

I'm a third-generation American, so I like that American-looking, Northwestern style with a flannel or jean shirt.

Frogs will eat red-flannel worms fed to them by biologists; this proves a great deal about both parties concerned.

Thousands of people know my flannel knickers, and though I know this may seem flirtatious, it is not. I am a saint.

If it weren’t so off-putting for my co-workers. I’d wear my flannel, one-piece 'Hannah Montana' pajamas, like, all the time!

I have cotton or flannel sheets, depending on the weather. They have to be ironed, and I get my bed changed nearly every day.

Exactly you had to dress in flannel, and if you were a grunge band, before the grunge thing took off and you said you were METAL.

You know, I'm very particular about my sheets. They have to be one hundred percent cotton, with a high thread count. Only cotton. No flannel.

A lot of children don't have a developed aesthetic. I did. I made early choices in life, even about cloth; I liked flannel and not polyester.

One's duty is to feel what is great, cherish the beautiful, and to not accept the conventions of society with the ignominy that it imposes upon us.

I like to do a face steam, so, heat up a flannel, press it onto your face and then press a cold one on afterwards to close the pores. It's inexpensive!

I exchanged my flannel shirt for a Rangers jersey and zapped the television on. Probably I should make more phone calls, but the Rangers were playing and priorities were priorities.

A lot of the reason my look is the way it is, is because it's really easy to put on a sundress every night if I have to perform - or just wear jeans every day and a flannel or something.

The conservative assumes sickness as a necessity, and his social frame is a hospital, his total legislation is for the present distress, a universe in slippers and flannels, with bib and papspoon, swallowing pills and herb-tea.

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