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Good planning avoids the need for fixing up a project that plowed ahead without thought... about potential pitfalls.
For Hillary Clinton, Iowa was a tough state for her in 2008, and she's put a lot of effort into fixing those mistakes.
I play golf, and then I see working out in the evening as my way of taking care of any aches or pains that need fixing.
The idea of changing and fixing the problem of how news is presented on the Internet has been recognized for a long time.
The fundamental problem with program maintenance is that fixing a defect has a substantial chance of introducing another.
We can prove to the American people that fixing the crisis at our border is more important than scoring political points.
We have perfected the art of finding problems without fixing real-world issues. We focus too much on complexity, not harm.
We do a very good job at fixing broken bodies but not such a great job at healing broken minds with our returning veterans.
As an opinion manager, a campaign consultant, fixing personality negatives is a lot easier than fixing character negatives.
The key to fixing education is better teaching, and the key to better teaching is figuring out who can teach and who can't.
Please criticize me, but how can you accuse me of something like fixing a cricket game after all that the game has given me.
To find better means of fixing the brain, we first need to achieve something more fundamental. We must understand how it works.
Every day, children who are U.S. citizens are separated from their families as a result of immigration policies that need fixing.
I did stuff for three years in Kabul that I found exciting, and a lot of that was fixing roofs, talking about sewage installation.
When we ask bureaucrats to identify who is responsible for fixing anything, they reassure us that there are 'procedures in place.'
My mom was a waitress, and my dad was a plumber who worked for the City of San Clemente fixing mains breaks, so not too glamorous.
I'm starting to feel like I can actually figure out how stuff works. I can actually pick stuff apart and have a chance of fixing it.
Sometimes God lets you be in a situation that only He can fix so that you can see that He is the One who fixes it. Rest. He's got it.
The job of a legislator is much more fixing existing law, revising it, improving it, than it is passing something that doesn't exist.
To be free comes not from changing or fixing this world, but from seeing this world as it is and opening the heart in the midst of it.
Fixing this broken system will take the perspective of someone who has actually solved problems. 31 years of manufacturing taught me how.
I would be a fool to tell you that there was no fixing. You ask if wrestling is for real? Well, I think my own body answers that question.
I don't believe in expending energy on something you can't do anything about. If there was some easy way of fixing things, I'd probably do it.
Working and being involved in multiple businesses and fixing things has almost turned into an addiction, but I can't seem to want to change it.
When somebody is describing their job as fixing problems for someone, that usually does not suggest that they're dealing with their tax returns.
If you're fixing a game, you're making calls up against star players to get that star player to the bench so that team is at a major disadvantage.
[The American people] would rather invest in themselves than listen to a bunch of people in Washington who do not have a record of fixing anything.
The determined fixing of our will upon God, and pressing toward him steadily and without deflection; this is the very center and the art of prayer.
You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult, you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it.
We can reduce our deficit, and do it in a much more balanced way than sequestration, simply by fixing our tax code to get rid of needless giveaways.
There was no blueprint or how-to manual for fixing a global financial meltdown, an auto crisis, two wars and a great recession, all at the same time.
Without editors planning assignments and copy editors fixing mistakes, reporters quickly deteriorate into underwear guys writing blogs from their den.
I have always tried to live by the philosophy that when there is a big problem that needs fixing, you should run towards it, rather than away from it.
Even if my job for the day is cleaning the vents or fixing the toilet, it still feels good to be a part of the space program and advancing exploration.
In many ways, our campaign this year will be the same as last time: We're still going to focus on fixing up basics and cleaning up ethics at City Hall.
Before things are written down they don't exist in quite the same way. The act of fixing them in words gives them a kind of currency that can be traded.
It can never be too often repeated, that the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united.
It seems to me that we spend an inordinate amount of time and attention on fixing ourselves when we could really be directing that out to serving others.
I regret the Pro Fit investment because I didn't know that I was dealing with people who were more concerned about the exposure than fixing their business.
It sometimes is a disadvantage to be so very guarded. If a woman conceals her affection from the object of it, she may loose the opportunity of fixing him.
While most of my public service work centers on improving our schools and fixing our broken immigration system, I also strongly stand for personal freedom.
Whether stuck in traffic because of construction or fixing a flat tire after hitting a pothole, Michiganders feel frustrated with the quality of our roads.
Elijah Cummings and his colleagues in the House are hung up on giving more money to Puerto Rico when we have our own farmers who are fixing to lose their farm.
My dad was always busy. You would pop round for a cup of tea, and within minutes you would see him walking past with a step-ladder. He was always fixing things.
If people fear that they have to choose between their job or fixing the climate, they will always protect their job. Because that's how they live to see tomorrow.
Fixing obesity is going to require a change in our modern relationship with food. I'm hopeful that we begin to see a turnaround in this childhood obesity epidemic.
I noticed that democracy was broken and tried to work on fixing that in Japan. Then I realized that it was broken all over the place and decided to work on that too.
Some actors can create characters and leave them at 'Cut!', but I work the opposite way and drag them out of me. For me, it's about fixing your fabric to fit the role.
The whole thing with recording is you have to know when to turn off the tape machine and just stop recording because you want to keep fixing, fixing, fixing, you know?
In many instances, we are much better at fixing our mistakes after we've made them. In some situations, it is easier to sweep things under the rug and forget about them.