Should I eat first or accuse the Master of the City of murder? Choices, choices. -Anita

Life always kills you in the end, but first it prevents you from getting what you want.

The first thing to look out for after your first big success are drugs and screenplays.

The first truth for special operations is that quality is more important than quantity.

An important question to ask is, 'Where and when did decoration and utility first meet?

To change the world It starts with one step However small First step is hardest of all.

The first music I was exposed to was Stravinsky and I loved it but I don't remember it.

That's what 90 percent of the people talk about when they're first exposed to the fish.

She offered herself to the big, bad wolf and didn't scream when he took the first bite.

Can't trust a fascist--truth is always your first sacrifice to the welfare of the state

It calmed me down to see that most of the time no-one gets the scene on the first take.

Basically the most fun part about the first day of anything is buying all the supplies.

The first rule of survival is clear: Nothing is more dangerous than yesterday's success.

Mutual suspicions of mental inadequacy are common during the first year of any marriage.

The novel is never really in the first draft. The novel really happens in the revisions.

The first time we made love, I wasn't sober, and you told me you loved me over and over.

Old third basemen become first basemen, and old first basemen become designated hitters.

Those commands of superiors which are contrary to our first duties are not to be obeyed.

I was dropped by my publisher after my first two books. But I always believed in myself.

It is mostly a matter of wills. Whose will is going to break first? Ours or the enemy's?

The first film I remember seeing was Bambi. It has stayed with me because it was so sad.

Mathematics is an experimental science, and definitions do not come first, but later on.

I'm a firm believer that if the other side scores first, you have to score twice to win.

In a long race, if I'm worried about fatigue, my concentration is the first thing to go.

When you first start off, you see what other people have and quietly say, "I want that."

I write first for myself as a therapeutic process, to get stuff out and to deal with it.

The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first.

Half our standards come from our first masters, and the other half from our first loves.

The first thing, the main thing, about how I work is I need to understand the character.

When you have a clear vision of your goal, it's easier to take the first step toward it.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if a joke is working or not for the first couple of minutes.

Brad Pitt is older than Archie Bunker was in the first two seasons of All In The Family.

Minor things can become moments of great revelation when encountered for the first time.

A lot of women are turned off by the physical appearance of some of the first feminists.

FIRST WATCHER Why do people die? SECOND WATCHER Perhaps because they don't dream enough.

You really don't put a value on your first win, it is priceless no matter where you are.

It is difficult to remove by logic an idea not placed there by logic in the first place.

First, the American legislative process isn't well suited to large and complex measures.

Humor is when the joke's on you but hits the other fellow first -- before it boomerangs.

I first got involved in theater in 1968, at the height of a social tumult. I was a poet.

At my core, the glass isn't half-empty, it's not even what I ordered in the first place.

I am one of the heretics who believes that art must be enjoyed first and analyzed later.

It was only about sixty years ago that the expansion of the universe was first observed.

Who would have thought the bees would have been the first alien force to invade America?

This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either.

First of all, you make a movie that you want to see and then you just hope for the best.

The journey of your first movie is not just beyond belief it can be truly beyond satire.

We shall not long have love to man if we do not first and chiefly cultivate love to God.

My name is Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered.

I had always felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller

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