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Nurturing an inclusive culture begins in the family. Home is the first place to foster openness and a culture of inclusion.
I hear so many startups talking about how they can raise VC instead of questioning whether they need it in the first place.
The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place.
If police are upset about an individual wearing pig socks, they need to understand why those socks exist in the first place.
I've really been working on the emotional and internal issues that made me eat in the first place. It's been a real journey.
I play to be happy in the first place and then to help my colleagues and my team the best way I can, with the best football.
If you think about where I'm from, I'm not supposed to be singing in the first place. I'm not supposed to be alive right now.
I don't think I picked up the guitar in the first place as a way of getting women. There are probably better ways of doing it.
Actors will, in their mind, want to 'steal the scene,' and the problem is that means the scene didn't work in the first place.
I came up in photography, and Dust Bowl-era photography is a lot of the reason that I got behind the camera in the first place.
The reason I started dancing in the first place was my dad took me to see 'Bring In 'da Noise, Bring In 'da Funk' when I was 9.
That was how I had developed my singing style in the first place - imitating other singers like George Michael and Richard Marx.
It is of considerable importance that politicians stick to their commitments or do not make such commitments in the first place.
On my first trip to New York in the 1980s, the first place I wanted to visit was the Plaza Hotel, home to Kay Thompson's Eloise.
My thing is, for artists who are having success, being given an award shouldn't be the thing that defines you in the first place.
Anyone who regards poetry as an entertainment, as a 'read,' commits an anthropological crime, in the first place against himself.
The inward area is the first place of loss of true Christian life, of true spirituality, and the outward sinful act is the result.
Open shelving may be fashionable, but a closed cabinet door is the best way to stop grease and dust collecting in the first place.
I don't believe in open relationships. If you want to be with someone else, you shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.
I think where people get into trouble is hiding and feeling ashamed about what they don't have any control over in the first place.
Property as compared with humanity, as compared with the red blood in the American people, must take second place, not first place.
Don't paint a nasty picture of your exes. We'll justifiably wonder what made you stay in those heinous situations in the first place.
The attacks of 9/11 came out of Afghanistan. It was a failed state, a rogue nation. That's why al Qaeda was there in the first place.
In my whole life, Jesus is in first place. That's why I put that inside my cleats, Jesus in first place, because that is how I think.
As much as possible, location-specific information should not be collected in the first place, or not in personally identifiable form.
To get great again, we need to recreate what made us great in the first place, and so we're going to have to let interest rates go up.
Restaurants should be forced to recycle their leftovers for animal consumption - and should create fewer leftovers in the first place.
The first place I gain weight is in my rear end. I love my butt, but I have a tendency to get saddlebags there, so I need to watch it.
I had a slight hope the phrase 'spark joy' might become popular, as it was the keyword that I wanted to put forward in the first place.
I haven't been on too many winning teams - in Oakland, we were in first place most of the year, and it was pretty fun, pretty exciting.
An airplane cabin isn't the first place people think of when they choose an exhibition space, but I'm all for doing things differently.
I sometimes think it is because they are so bad at expressing themselves verbally that writers take to pen and paper in the first place.
I love England. It's no coincidence it's the first place I moved to for a more cosmopolitan life, which is the only thing Iceland lacks.
I had no intention of being an actor in the first place. But it all started when I was 20, and by the time I was 28, it was stifling me.
Let me go back to a fundamental thing we all used to agree on: information is power. That's why we became journalists in the first place.
I like the fact that Austin's the first place I've ever lived where there's a real sense of community. People care about their neighbors.
The very act of questioning whether you exist proves you do, because you must be there for the doubt to be entertained in the first place.
Our world needs to move from managing crises to preventing them in the first place. Too often, the world responds too late and too little.
Because I hate to lose. I've always had that instilled in me since I was a child. Racing. A game. You want to be in first place every time.
That's why I created Smart Girl Club in the first place because I really wanted to combat the non-inclusion that I felt in a lot of places.
The first time I ever got up on a stage, I did a comedy poem. I don't know how I got there in the first place because I was very, very shy.
I've spent most of my life writing and developing everything that I've wanted to be in - which is why I started writing in the first place.
I come from a place that is very politically sophisticated and progressive. New Zealand was the first place to give women the right to vote.
I owed it to my father that I was elected to Parliament in the first place, but I owed it to my mother that I stuck it out once I got there.
We're leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldn't get better jobs in the first place.
In Brazil, you know that only first place counts; in other countries, you might celebrate coming second, third, or fourth, but not in Brazil.
Primary education was in the first place to teach people to be good people. Only secondary education teaches people to also be useful people.
I've been writing a lot more folky, country type stuff. One of the reasons I wanted to write in the first place was because of Darrell Scott.
I don't really care what the man on the street thinks. I never did anything to please him in the first place, and I'm not going to start now.
Having a show get canceled is like, 'Oh, you have caviar between your teeth,' you know what I mean? Because you had a show in the first place.