Kohli is always fired up, very animated on the field and plays with passion.

I think anyone that isn't fired up right now shouldn't probably be out here.

A guy who gets fired and humiliated in the press can lose a lot of confidence.

Some actors get fired up by the sound of the audience. I just want to retreat.

We should because when coaches get fired, the players have a lot to do with it.

When I fire, I just look at them and I say, 'You're fired.' I don't prolong it.

You can't control injuries, can't control guys getting fired and stuff like that.

I got fired from being a lunch-shift bartender because I had a reading of a play.

Maybe I'll write an episode of 'Black-ish' about a guy being fired in late-night.

You never ask why you've been fired because if you do, they're liable to tell you.

If I was in Vince McMahon's position, I would have fired myself for sure, 100 per cent.

My first real job lasted for three years. It ended the day I was unceremoniously fired.

I feel like the bad times have fired me up: you have to turn negativity into positivity.

I don't even like firing people. I don't think I've ever said, 'You're fired' to anybody.

We've all had someone break our hearts or have been fired from a job or have been cheated.

I've never been fired in my life. From anything. I've never failed at anything I've tried.

Getting fired was always a big deal to me. It's a bit like having someone break up with you.

I'm naturally fired up. I'm naturally excited to play each and every time I lace the shoes up.

They'll totally hire me if I say I got fired from my job on the Hill because of a sex scandal.

When I get fired up, all of that is me. You have to have fun with it because it's who you are.

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.

I used to be a window cleaner. I got fired because I sometimes liked to drink the soapy water.

CEOs are worried they're going to get fired any minute. They're worried about their portfolios.

Being fired from a show - being fired in any way, in any instance, any business - is just hard.

I don't want to be fired after two seasons and risk never getting another opportunity to coach.

I live in constant fear of being fired or dropped for that dark part of my work I can't control.

I have learned that nothing gets readers so fired up as saying something everyone knows is true.

I have had hundreds of people work for me over the years, and I don't think I ever fired anybody.

When I got the script for Memento, I read it and I got killed off on page one and I fired my agent.

The only way to make money as a manager is to win in one place, get fired and hired somewhere else.

Israel is a country that reacts vigorously when its citizens are fired upon, which is a good thing.

Here's the thing, you just have to drive a lot faster, and if you don't get there, we're both fired.

I only know that I fired twice, or perhaps several times, without knowing whether I had hit or missed.

Keeping people fired up starts with having a really clear vision for what the company is aiming to do.

I was fired from my television job, simple as that. Well, downsized, really, a classic 1990s situation.

Empirically the way you get a product visionary as CEO is for him to found the company and not get fired.

I recruited my dad to be my bass player and fired him on several occasions. He stayed on as a bus driver.

My idea for Gucci was crazy, but that's the only idea I had. I was sure I'd be fired after the first show.

In politics, merit is rewarded by the possessor being raised, like a target, to a position to be fired at.

I've been fired from a situational comedy with a script they wrote specifically for me because of my voice.

I always say, I have been fired from more jobs than most people would ever have had in their entire career.

On the 10th of September 1962, sixteen bullets was fired into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker for me.

The Arab awakening was driven by youth, organized by technology, and fired by a hunger for political change.

Deep down, I never wanted to see Mourinho fired. We experienced some very beautiful things together in 2015.

Once the fired stone is out of the kiln, it is still possible to mentally reconstruct it in its original form.

Being fired was the best luck of my life. It made me stop and reflect. It was the birth of my life as a writer.

I tried to hostess... but they fired me after four days because I couldn't figure out how seating plans worked.

I was nearly fired from my second job, which was writing press releases for Boston's public television station.

If you don't win, you're going to be fired. If you do win, you've only put off the day you're going to be fired.

About guns, about hunting, it's safe to say I know nothing. The last gun I fired was a musket at Boy Scout camp.

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