Liquidity is oxygen for a financial system.

On balance, the financial system subracts value from society

Looting is the only way left for the Western financial system to make money.

I believe that we have to have a new regulatory regime for our financial system.

Like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning.

Our financial system, for as advanced a country that we are, could be so much better.

An AIG failure would have been devastating to the financial system and to the economy.

It's really, really, important that this country as a whole trusts its financial system.

Enhanced transparency has helped to reinforce the stability of India's financial system.

If the financial system collapses, it's really, really hard to put it back together again.

I worked on one speech about the financial system that caused the Dow to drop, like, 200 points.

As we try to make the financial system safer, we must inevitably confront the problem of moral hazard.

The question of how to structure our nation's financial system arose in the early years of the republic.

You cannot have the financial system crippled because of lack of decision making and lack of quality people.

The U.S. will lose its status as the superpower of the world financial system. The world will become multi-polar.

It is the policy of the federal government to use all resources at its disposal to make our financial system stronger.

The lesson of history is that you do not get a sustained economic recovery as long as the financial system is in crisis.

In order to properly measure the impacts of climate change on our Financial system they must first be identified and disclosed.

If AIG collapsed, it would have buckled our financial system and wrought economic havoc on the lives of millions of our citizens.

The world is not going to fall as long as there is confidence in governments and in banking institutions and the financial system.

Today, even small entities that trade complex instruments or are granted sufficient leverage can threaten the global financial system.

Our financial system is so complicated and so interactive - so many different markets in different countries and so many sets of rules.

The Fed has neither the clear statutory authority nor the mandate to anticipate and deal with risks across our entire financial system.

To prosper and advance, the American business sector is going to need a financial system oriented toward business, not 'home ownership.'

The revival of the U.S. financial system after the crash of 2008 is arguably the Obama administration's biggest domestic policy success.

We must continue to educate the masses and encourage savings in Bitcoin to truly drain the kleptocratic swamp ruling our financial system.

A lot of the evil in the world is actually not intentional. A lot of people in the financial system did a lot of damage without intending to.

Our financial system is driven by a giant marketing machine in which the interests of sellers directly conflict with the interests of buyers.

It's great that people get together and collaborate, talk about the facts and the analysis, all in the interest of having a great financial system.

The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the U.S. financial system have resulted in American economic failure.

The economic costs, the financial costs, the job losses, the income losses, the fiscal costs of bailing out financial system are becoming larger and larger.

I no longer care about the financial system. I gave them my roadmap. OK? Thanks, bye. I've no idea what's going on. I'm disconnected. I'm totally disengaged.

The Libor system is structurally flawed. It is a major problem for our financial system and for the confidence in the financial system. We need to address it.

In the wake of the 2008 recession, Congress and the Obama Administration rightly focused financial regulation on protecting the nation's financial system from itself.

My colleagues on the Board of Governors and I understand the value of having a diverse financial system that includes a large and vibrant contingent of community banks.

No country can be complacent in making sure that excessive debt of the household doesn't create excesses and weaknesses in the financial system. Everything is interconnected.

When the financial system works as it should, money and capital flow to and from households and businesses to pay for home loans, school loans, and investments to create jobs.

The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act will reestablish a wall between commercial and investment banking, make our financial system more stable and secure, and protect American families.

Regional interest rate differentials persisted until around the time of World War I and helped shape the attitudes of Americans living in western areas toward the nation's financial system.

We had a mission at PayPal - which was to create a new financial system, a new world currency, and we failed. We were a financial success, but we didn't succeed at the purpose of our company.

We need a resilient, well-capitalized, well-regulated financial system that is strong enough to withstand even severe shocks and support economic growth by lending through the economic cycle.

Deflation can be particularly dangerous when a financial system is shaky, with household and corporate balance sheets in poor shape and banks undercapitalized and heavily burdened with bad loans.

If women had better access to the financial system - even so much as a basic deposit account at a bank - it would be a major step in the direction of greater wealth and greater economic empowerment.

As someone who understands what's needed for entrepreneurs and start-up companies to succeed, I can tell you there is nothing more integral to their success than operating in a stable financial system.

We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die; a sustainable world. It could be great.

Looking past the immediate crisis, a more resilient system must be built on stronger and better designed shock absorbers, both in the major institutions and in the infrastructure of the financial system.

Some of these biggest financial institutions are out there trading in commodities. They're buying oil tankers. This is not a financial system that has calmed down and is there to serve the American people.

The welfare state is collapsing all around us. There are people that realize that we can't go on this way, but I'm not sure how many people realize how close we are to the collapse of the U.S. financial system.

It's better to have the taxpayer pay for the losses than have the United States of America become an economic wasteland. If the financial system collapses, it's really, really hard to put it back together again.

What bitcoin does better than the current financial system is it's a better stored value globally. There are a lot of countries that really don't trust their banks or their currency, and bitcoin is an alternative.

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