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I could see when I was filming '21' that it was going to go a direction I wasn't comfortable with it going.
Most of the time you spend filming a show is time you spend without the cameras on, when you're not acting.
When I started my professional rugby career, in 2002, there was one guy filming training if you were lucky.
I'm over there filming in South Africa now, and two in five are HIV-positive now. Not many people know that.
It's not just about filming, you go to awards and interviews too. I enjoy all of it, even learning my lines!
I see my filming career as an opportunity to get the message of conservation out to an even greater audience.
'The Voice' is built on positivity. Once we started filming, I knew that America was really going to love it.
Amanda Bynes and I have become close since filming 'Hairspray.' It's so weird because I grew up watching her.
I never talk about auditions. Even if I've got the role, I won't tell people until we're literally filming it.
I can very much relate to being on the road and filming and trying to train. It's a whole different ball game.
If I'm filming, and I have a day off, I'll just sit at home, read, take baths, chill out, and not go anywhere.
When I'm filming, I live out of a suitcase, so everything is thrown everywhere. In real life, I'm a bit tidier.
Filming typically takes a bit away from the climbing experience, since you have to stop all the time and shoot.
The most memorable part of filming 'Finesse,' I'd have to say, was the kissing scene. It was just so odd for me.
Those of you that think filming is all glamour, you're so wrong! Really, only the premieres are the glitzy bits.
We've got that family opportunity of always filming together, so we can look back on good times anytime we want.
We just started filming 'Stray Dog' really close to the finishing of 'Winter's Bone,' down in Southern Missouri.
When I'm in meetings until 5am and then have to get up two hours later for filming, sometimes I ask myself 'why?'
If I have some free time, I leave Paris with some books about the cinema. If I'm not filming, I'm watching films.
The first time I met James Franco, he was dressed like James Dean. He was James Dean, literally, filming a biopic.
I love that you work out relationships with people as you're filming just to get something real to play on screen.
But filming is good for you, because the crew isn't allowed to laugh. You can't get addicted to getting the laugh.
You try to get to know your character as best as you can before you start filming - what's written and not written.
I like to Instagram my dogs! I also get excited to post behind-the-scenes photos from when I was filming something.
I go through phases when I've been filming where I wake up in the middle of the night and I think I'm being filmed.
As most actors/actresses, I don't like to watch my own movies, either, and I never look at the dailys while filming.
I'm always slightly worried if I do a film and we're filming it in Luxembourg. I know it's going to go straight DVD.
So many things I thought I was doing have fallen apart. Until I've finished filming, I don't believe I have the job.
With 'True Detective,' you have a lot of time. How I like to describe it... it's like you're filming a theater piece.
I never like to go out of character when filming starts. I fear that if I do, I might not be able to pick it up again.
My mother died when I was young, and I was filming all the time. I was all over the place. Acting was the one constant.
I was asked to be in the last two 'Harry Potter' films and I couldn't do it because I was busy filming 'Grey's Anatomy.'
When filming for 'Beowulf,' we were close to Hadrian's Wall; there was no phone signal, and the scenery was spectacular.
Because of my filming commitments in America, you have to sign contracts where you can't change your physical appearance.
I enjoy horse riding, tennis, yoga and running - it helps to clear my head, and I can do bits of yoga in between filming.
I kind of always think my work is unfilmable, and when I meet people who are interested in filming it, I'm always stunned.
To be home for story time is brilliant. Even if after 14 hours of filming you're exhausted and just want to fall into bed.
We shot 'High School Musical' in eight weeks. I spent longer rehearsing for 'Hairspray' than filming 'High School Musical'.
Cinema is made to film material: the body. By filming the material, the mechanical, the worker, we arrive at the spiritual.
Ideally, it's great to gain inspiration from the script, but when filming starts, characters and their journeys can change.
If I'm filming 'Dragons' Den', we work flat out until 8pm, although I love seeing the weird, wonderful and plain delusional.
I wish that when we weren't filming, we could have full privacy. I wish I could live in a bubble and just be with my family.
It's incredibly hypocritical of Eddie to object to filming around my children, especially given how public he lives his life.
I've also just finished filming the role of Robert Brown in 'Just William,' which is due to transmit on BBC One at Christmas.
Chicago's a great city for filming. The city is so rich architecturally. I think that's part of what made 'Candyman' special.
I just don't like filming scenes where it's like, that's not how people talk. People aren't saying a joke every five seconds.
I want to have a go at presenting. As a child I was always filming my own TV shows with my sister, so it feels natural to me.
I love filming. I love the teamwork. It's a tight-knit group spending months on the road together. All the experience is shared.
I worked in TV for a short time and couldn't stand the fact that we'd always be filming someone talking, just giving information.
If we're not shooting, if we're not filming, if you're not standing on the soundstage, turn off your phone and go live your life.