I don't respond to authority figures who abuse their authority.

In all systems of theology, the devil figures as a male person.

By most accounts, Aristide is the most popular figure in Haiti.

I've never been a waif; I have a womanly figure and always did.

I'm a downer. I've been depressed my whole life. Figure it out.

Please read my diary, look through my things and figure me out.

An actor is known by his choices, not by his box-office figures.

I was a big Nancy Drew reader. Nancy figures it out. Case closed.

Who else is putting seven figures down for unreleased rap tracks?

I do just want to do jokes. I don't want to be a divisive figure.

Well, some people die and then they sell more records, go figure.

Sports figures are to the '70s what movie stars were to the '60s.

If you don't watch your figure, you'll have more figure to watch.

You want to embrace, but I can't figure out how to hold on to it.

My dresses help women discover figures they didn't know they had.

Once you figure out what's best for the story, take out the rest.

It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out.

Geometry is the science of correct reasoning on incorrect figures.

A poet is not a public figure. A poet should be read and not seen.

Live one day at a time, unless you can figure out how to live two.

I guess people expect or figure me to be a lot of different things.

Women diet to retain their girlish figures or their boyish husbands.

Some people have compared the Klan images to ecclesiastical figures.

Your job as a scientist is to figure out how you're fooling yourself.

Demonic figures and occult themes have disappeared from modern magic.

The whole point to being here, really, is to figure a way to get out.

I think General Pershing was the most military figure I've ever seen.

Before you do anything, whatever it is, figure out who you are first.

Political history is not the only way to approach historical figures.

Figure out what it is in life you don't do well, and then don't do it.

I really don't mind dying because I figure I haven't wasted this life.

Crime cases tend to be fascinating until you figure out what happened.

I was at home then in the world of figures, but not in that of values.

I knew I had a great figure, but I never regarded myself as beautiful.

Michael Flynn is a very controversial figure for a variety of reasons.

I was welding art from my house, making abstract figures out of metal.

God doesn't ask you to figure it all out. He only asks you to believe.

Age, what is it? It's not a figure that has ever meant anything to me.

I'm going to be who I really am. I'm going to figure out what this is.

It's important for all writers to try to figure out what they're doing.

Are you a minor character in my tale, or am I a lesser figure in yours?

Oh, figures!' answered Ned. 'You can make figures do whatever you want.

Figure out the people part and the technology gets a whole lot simpler.

When someone uses 'low eight figures,' that means barely eight figures.

There's something unique about me, we just can't figure out what it is.

As long as I'm learning something, I figure I'm OK - it's a decent day.

A graceful and pleasing figure is a perpetual letter of recommendation.

Sometimes it's easier to understand things than it is to figure them out

I grew up being terrified of my parents, particularly my father figures.

My only purpose is to teach children to rebel against authority figures.

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