On their side more men are standing, on ours more will fight!

The very purpose of a knight is to fight on behalf of a lady.

For the sake of argument I'll ignore all your fighting words.

You'd think that in a fight, NOT MOVING would be a bad habit!

If your war is for your existence, fight it right to the end!

Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can.

It's a poor kind of man that won't fight for his own freedom.

It's those that fight hardest for freedom who are never free.

But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well!

I'll fight Lloyd Honeyghan for nothing if the price is right.

This fight is more about what Roy Jones lost than what I took

I'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win.

Why do people watch fights?... They watch it for inspiration.

In the midst of fighting there is no place for public debate.

I had to fight for wingdings. Batman needs to curse sometimes!

It seems that fighting is a game where everybody is the loser.

I just want to do what I do best, and that's fight. I love it.

You just learn one thing for the day, that can change a fight.

A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.

You'll know if he loves you by how long he's willing to fight.

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight.

I want to be a fighter. So fight for something! Not for money.

We all have struggles in life but we have to continue to fight

I always ask myself, what do I need to prove? I won the fight.

Got to fight to control the violent side, every day and night.

As it says in Bible, God fights on side of heaviest artillery.

The more incompetent one feels, the more eager he is to fight.

The tougher the fight, the more important the mental attitude.

Work on what you support rather than fighting what you oppose.

I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.

As men are killed by fighting, the truth is lost in disputing.

You put the Devil on the other side, and I will come to fight.

Keep faith, trust to love, fight with honor, but fight to win.

There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.

Great presidents don't just fight good fights - they win them.

If you don't have any fight in you, you might as well be dead.

Ive never backed down from a fight and I relish a good debate.

What you have to assess is whether you have the will to fight.

Let no man surrender so long as he is unwounded and can fight.

Savage, despicable evil. That's what we were fighting in Iraq.

If Nature is opposed, we will fight her and make her obbey us.

Nothing should be overlooked in fighting for better education.

The job is never done and every generation has to fight again.

As long as I'm fighting, I'm not dying." - Mara Jade Skywalker

Be kind. Every person you meet is fighting a difficult battle.

It is sometimes tougher to fight my superiors than the French.

The Democrats never fight about who is more like Jimmy Carter.

When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough.

He doesn't need to fight anymore, but fighting is what he does

I was so getting tired of fighting for my life in the library.

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