That's not a rat, that's my ferret.

There was a time I thought I was a ferret.

Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?

He's like a demented ferret up a wee drainpipe.

Her chances of a decent marriage were about to be dashed-and all because of a ferret.

Do come back and draw the ferrets, they are the most lovely noble darlings in the world.

Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry. But if a ferret were about to dart up my dress, I'd run.

I am a Topshop homing pigeon! I can walk into the Oxford Circus branch and ferret out the best bits in minutes.

Stop thinking about Michael," Tuck orders. "He was cute." "So is a hairy ferret but I wouldn't want to date one. [...]

Wherever you may seek solitude, men will ferret you out and compel you to belong to their desperate company of oddfellows.

Don't talk to me." "Why not?" "Because I want to fix that in my memory for ever. Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret.

But now that she was my apprentice, every such thought caused a guilty twitch in my neck, as if someone had dropped a sleek, stinky ferret there. Guilt ferrets are bastards.

... one of those librarians who rules the stacks with an intimidating scowl, whispers quiet sharply enough to lacerate the tender inner tissues of the ear, and will pursue an overdue-book fine with the ferocity of a rabid ferret.

You know," Gabriel said, "there was a time I thought we could be friends, Will." "There was a time I thought I was a ferret," Will said, "but that turned out to be the opium haze. Did you know it had that effect? Because I didn't.

OH NO YOU DON’T, LADDIE!” Harry spun around. Professor Moody was limping down the marble staircase. His wand was out and it was pointing right at a pure white ferret, which was shivering on the stone-flagged floor, exactly where Malfoy had been standing.

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