I wanted to be a female like Chyna, who broke boundaries and did things that were really special.

The bottom line is that female writers aren't being given enough opportunities by male producers.

The memoir by women, read by female readers, is considered a market form, not "great literature."

For some men the power to destroy life becomes the equivalent to the female power to create life.

Being the boss anywhere is lonely. Being a female boss in a world of mostly men is especially so.

My dad was one of four children. His three siblings were female, and he loved and protected them.

It is during fertility that a female loses herself and enters that cloud overly rich in estrogen.

For the most part, pianos are female to me. Sometimes they're dykes, and they're always good fun.

Certain women because of their female power and seductiveness could bring destruction to a family.

I feel comfortable with women. I have two sisters, so I grew up in a female-dominated environment.

I would say I'm pretty well at ease with my sexuality, but I'm an individual before I am a female.

We showed the industry that female artists could attract the same audiences as the big male stars.

The female body was designed as a source of pleasure, fertility, movement, strength and wellbeing.

I think Emily Blunt is definitely our finest young female English export. She has an uncanny grace.

Since the beginning of the Movement, lesbianism has been a kind of code word for female resistance.

That which commands admiration in the white woman only hastens the degradation of the female slave.

There are clear differences between and some- and there may be protective factors in a female brain.

When you get a little older, you'll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species.

Guns are our friends because in a country without guns, I'm what's known as "prey." All females are.

Any female of any age, anyone sitting on that couch, is going to relate to some Bella family member.

I tried to picture a female version of Jim and got Jim in a dress instead. The image was disturbing.

I've always laughed at the term "female director" or even "black director." A director's a director.

I'm a South Asian female that talks about relationships and periods and dating and all these things.

If someone's trying to intimidate me, male or female, I don't respect them enough to be intimidated.

I had uterine cancer, which is the most under-funded and under-researched of all the female cancers.

We're in a different time right now, and I think we're ready to see a different type of female hero.

I think as time goes by you'll get female comics who are weirder - you'll get a female Mighty Boosh.

Be empowered as a female, as a woman. Don't apologize. Don't lose yourself in another person's life.

From a young age, I felt like I was supposed to be the sort of female who is doing something strong.

I have made a vow to attain Enlightenment in the female form - no matter how many lifetimes it takes.

I've had people in the family, male and female, impacted by heart disease. But people can prevent it.

Female can understand more detail and really care for the consequence and understand all the process.

I was born female, but even from a young age I had a hormonal imbalance where I knew I wasn't female.

I wanted to be the greatest woman guitarist alive. I had fantasies about being a female Jimi Hendrix.

Christianity gave eroticism its savor of sin and legend when it endowed the human female with a soul.

There's nothing worse than having a very strong female character and then suddenly having it go away.

I am a biological female. I have two children. I've been married for 16 years. I've never been a man.

It is difficult to get men to pick up a female author. Women will read men, but men won't read women.

A part of being a female musician is kind of getting past your looks and just honing in on the music.

There are a couple of poems I've written with masculine muses, very often the muse to me is a female.

A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture, designed to enhance the proportions of the female body.

When I write, I put aside the heterosexual world to admit a muse that is a woman-loving-woman female.

I've always idolized Amy Poehler, because I think she's the best of the best as far as female comedy.

Nature has made a pebble and a female. The lapidary makes the diamond, and the lover makes the woman.

More than anything, falling in love causes a certain female thing in a man to manifest, oddly enough.

Football in Brazil is seen as a masculine sport, even with a lot of people accepting the female sport.

Smokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette.

Once a female, always a female. Nature is not always infallible but she always abides by her mistakes.

I was depressed at a very young age - mental illness runs in my family, especially on the female side.

Hollywood studio executives don't recognize the value of female performers as much as male performers.

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