One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

In 1948 I was appointed to a Lectureship in Physics and in 1949 elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College.

Your fellowship with God flows freely when you're willing to forgive, but it gets blocked by unforgiveness.

A Christian fellowship lives and exists by the intercession of its members for one another, or it collapses.

There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.

Today there's more fellowship among snakes than among mankind. Wild beasts spare those with similar markings.

Most church members live so far below the standard, you would have to backslide to be in fellowship with them.

Cherish your family connections. They are one of God's greatest ways of demonstrating his love and fellowship.

I have often observed that extremely violent noise and activity go with good-fellowship and heightened spirits.

A cricketer's life is a life of splendid freedom, healthy effort, endless variety, and delightful good fellowship.

There is nothing in this world that can compare with the Christian fellowship; nothing that can satisfy but Christ.

Your fellowship with God never came because of your righteousness. So how could your own righteousness maintain it?

You get guys around a campfire, and they start telling their stories. That's the fellowship that they want to be in.

If you are having the right kind of spiritual fellowship, you will have power with God, and there is no escaping it!

How many desolate creatures on the earth have learnt the simple dues of fellowship and social comfort, in a hospital.

God is so unique in giving His people ways to fellowship, witness, and remember what a mighty and merciful God He is.

My first letter of acceptance, to UMass - Amherst, came with an offer of a fellowship and a note from John Edgar Wideman.

In Fellowship; alone To God, with Faith, draw near, Approach His Courts, besiege His Throne With all the power of Prayer.

Any sort of plain speaking is better than the nauseous sham good fellowship our democratic public men get up for shop use.

When I had a fellowship at the Smithsonian, I asked for a couch in the office because I liked to lie down and take a break.

It is for him that is lonely or in prison to dream of fellowship, but for him that is of a fellowship to do and not to dream.

One big learning from Thiel fellowship was think really big and create an impact, without thinking if anybody has done it before.

Make disciples. Surround them in the reality of the Trinity in a fellowship of disciples. Teach them to do everything Jesus says.

He (God) usually prefers to work through people rather than perform miracles, so that we will depend on each other for fellowship.

Kindliness and sympathy, fellowship and understanding, are always good, but best when they come from a distant corner of the world.

I lived in San Francisco and did the Stegner fellowship for two years, and it was amazing. From fall 2008 to spring 2010, I was there.

The fellowship of true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless.

We are obliged to respect, defend and maintain the common bonds of union and fellowship that exist among all members of the human race.

We are created for community, fashioned for fellowship, and formed for a family, and none of us can fulfill God's purposes by ourselves.

Dropping out of college was never the plan, but it made me eligible for the Peter Thiel Fellowship. I was the first Asian to win that grant!

I talk about a lot of issues I go through and some of my fans go through and try to create a fellowship where people can relate to each other.

The lasting value of our public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him.

Fellowship means among other things that we are ready to receive of Christ from others. Other believers minister Christ to me, and I am ready to receive.

It is a great thing to be a child of God, and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. If this is your privilege, you will know the fellowship of Christ's sufferings.

As Christ bore and received us as sinners so we in his fellowship may bear and receive sinners into the fellowship of Christ through the forgiving of sins.

It is not my wish to lounge about the college and fatten on a fellowship all my days. I am always trying to look upon a college life as a medium not an end.

Thanksgiving, our eminent moral holiday, doesn't have much for children. At its heart are conversation, food, drink, and fellowship - all perks of adulthood.

As a journalist I'm comfortable doing library research, and I did a lot! I had a fellowship at Radcliff for a year which gave me access to the Harvard system.

Self-Realization Fellowship seemed like training. It was the training ground for finding a sense of peace in myself. Because that's my job. It's no one else's.

I am a head coach in the NFL today because of the opportunity the Coaching Fellowship provided me. The program is really the thing that jump-starts your career.

[The Outsiders] was very competitive, in the best possible way. Full of love, full of companionship and fellowship, pranks and practical jokes and ball-busting.

Remember and help America remember that the fellowship of human beings is more important than the fellowship of race and class and gender in a democratic society.

Good-fellowship, unflagging, is the prime requisite for success in our society, and the man or woman who smiles only for reasons of humor or pleasure is a deviate.

My wife, Dixie, is evangelical Christian. We met in the Reagan White House, when she was a student intern. We're members of the Horizon Christian Fellowship Church.

Having an audience is almost like plugging me into an electrical outlet. People feed me so much of their energy. We have a great time. It's all about the fellowship.

God decided to create a species with whom he could have fellowship. Who are we to say that evolution was a dumb way to do it? It was an incredibly elegant way to do it.

God made us for one reason: so He could have fellowship with us. It wasn't that He was lonely or needed us but He made us in His image so He could shower His love upon us.

A fellowship to Oxford acquainted me with the depths of English cooking. By the twenty-first century, London's best restaurants are as good as Paris's, but not in the 1950s.

When I found Freestyle Fellowship, I started getting into the construction of rap. You get better at it the more you do it; you figure out the science and the math behind it.

Though you are weak and frail, though you are poor and helpless, God does not despise you; but would glorify your being with His own, and raise you to fellowship with Himself.

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