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One of my sayings is: look good, feel good, do good.
Style really comes down to what makes you feel good.
Do you want to feel good, or do you want to do good?
All the money in the world is spent on feeling good.
As long as I feel good, I'll have the desire to play.
I didn't know music could make me feel good, I guess.
I love singin' in the car, it just makes me feel good.
I don't drink. I don't like it. It makes me feel good.
Feel good about yourself. Feel good about who you are.
I encourage women to just feel good about who you are.
I'm working my way steadily back and I'm feeling good.
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.
Music is really a medicine, it can make you feel good.
It always feels good to win, it's always tough to lose.
I feel good in makeup, and it helps create a character.
I feel good being a black woman; I've always felt good.
It's a new dawn, it's a new day...and I'm feeling good.
Making people smile makes me feel good from the inside.
I'm beefy. I feel good at 170. My wife loves me at 170.
I spend time doing cardio because it makes me feel good.
"Happy" feels good... I just like when stuff feels good.
If you feel good, it doesn't matter what you're wearing.
I just try to feel good in my own skin as much as I can.
Sometimes you have to get down and dirty. It feels good.
What I always say is, "Look good, feel good, play good."
I feel good; my family and I feel comfortable in Munich.
It's my crusade to help women feel good about themselves.
Hats make people feel good, and that's the point of them.
It's not as bad as it was last year. It feels good today.
All exercise releases endorphins and makes you feel good.
We feel good and ill only in proportion to our self-love.
It feels good. It's not bad for somebody who can't shoot.
If you smell good, you feel good, and your day's fabulous.
God is good to me, even when life doesn’t feel good to me.
Find thoughts that make you feel good and think them a lot
When I work out, I have energy and feel good about myself.
I don't know what happened. I just didn't feel good today.
The secret of great style is to feel good in what you wear
For me, if something fits properly, it makes me feel good.
I like the process of writing songs. It makes me feel good.
If you feel good about who you are inside, it will radiate.
Yeah, it's whatever. You know, feeling good, living better.
Do not forget to drink a lot of water to stay feeling good.
Mancini makes us feel good inside and outside of the field.
People who produce good results feel good about themselves.
I love to sing and make music because it makes me feel good.
Don't let what other people say disturb your mind. Be happy.
Music is music, ultimately. If it makes you feel good, cool.
My feet are my foundation, and they should always feel good!
I like giving. Doing something for somebody else feels good.