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Nobody took you out for lunch when I started. Carla Bruni took me out for lunch once. She was really nice. Otherwise, you don't get fed.
If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom.
I hope that I can continue to champion Dr. Paul's efforts to audit the Fed, protect state's rights, and getting our nation back on track.
I'm fed up with the idiots... the ever-widening gap between people who know how to make movies and the people who green-light the movies.
The land and the ocean are living, breathing entities that supported us, clothed us, fed us, and nurtured our culture from time immemorial.
Often too many expectations are put on by society as to what we're supposed to look like and it's fed to people at an age that's too young.
Salvador Dali, lying on his deathbed in a stupor, is said to have been fed thousands of sheets of blank paper to sign for fake lithographs.
People have been fed this diet of pabulum, rights, and impulsive freedom. There's just an absolute starvation for the other side of the story.
Sometimes players are very fed up with my communication, but that's what I do, and they know how I think. But they know I am very transparent.
The Fed cannot levitate markets forever. And when they finally do move, I think we have to be prepared for a considerable amount of turbulence.
Never negotiate with kids. They don't have life experience, and they don't have repercussions for bad decisions; they still get fed and housed.
My ego would be fed tremendously when I'd go on a set and get in a car and tear it to pieces. I'd get out and everyone on the set would applaud.
There's something missing in the music industry today... and it's music. Songs you hear don't last, it's just product fed to you by the industry.
My grandmother raised me. She was a real no-nonsense but very funny lady. I drove tractors, made hay, milked cows, fed the chicken, fed the pigs.
Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low.
I know that a ridiculous number of classic serials have been commissioned, and that reviews show a reaction against them. The critics seem fed up.
The wretch who digs the mine for bread, or ploughs, that others may be fed, feels less fatigued than that decreed to him who cannot think or read.
I felt that the Fed had always been the agency that picked up the pieces when there was a financial crisis, and it was invented to do exactly that.
I am fed up with career politicians. I am tired of going into the voting booth and holding my nose to pick the least worst candidate on the ballot.
I went through two pretty dark years being fed up with the system and frustrated with my own party after two disastrous elections in 2006 and 2008.
I really enjoy representing my country and think the principles of what Fed Cup is about and the team environment is a great thing to be a part of.
I remember going round to my friends' houses and asking them to ask their mum and dad if I could stay for dinner because I wasn't going to get fed.
It's very important in a leadership role not to place your ego at the foreground and not to judge everything in relationship to how your ego is fed.
I saw a limit to what I was giving as kind of a scam I was running on the KGB, by giving them people that I knew were their double agents fed to us.
The Fed's job is not to stall growth or to prevent economic 'overheating.' It is to keep prices stable and the dollar a strong and reliable currency.
The first duty of a state is to see that every child born therein shall be well housed, clothed, fed and educated till it attains years of discretion.
'Old Town Road' came after a period of feeling like I was out of options. I was living with my sister. She was pretty much fed up with me being there.
People didn't suddenly wake up one morning and unanimously say 'I'm fed up with midbudget dramas. I'm only going to see action tent poles from now on!'
I don't want food that comes from animals that are caged up and fed antibiotics. I am really suspicious of that kind of production of meat and poultry.
My proposal that Fed governors should signal their commitment to public service by wearing Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts has so far gone unheeded.
Releasing an album on a major label is like sending a package through Fed Ex. You know that it'll get there, and you know that it'll get there on time.
I got fed up with being in bands. I spent a couple of years touring the country in a smoked filled band, doing lots of drugs and being really unhealthy.
Now that I'm a civilian again, I can once more comment on economic and financial issues without my words being put under the microscope by Fed watchers.
As a chef and father, it kills me that children are fed processed foods, fast food clones, foods loaded with preservatives and high-fructose corn syrup.
I am actually a bit chubby, and I eat everything. I eat in a way - if my parents fed me the way I choose to eat as an adult, they would've lost custody.
If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto.
Double-digit inflation is a terrible thing - and it got up to 14 or 15 percent on a monthly basis for a while, shortly after I became chairman of the Fed.
It is an established scientific fact that monetary policy has had virtually no effect on output and employment in the U.S. since the formation of the Fed.
Everybody wants to escape, but our escape is the real deal. If we're scary, that's because we're taking you away from you being fed what you want to hear.
People are fed up with the way things are. There is a lot of bitterness out there, a lot of anger about a lack of jobs and concerns for the next generation.
From the moment I was born, I was fed propaganda. I viewed the Kim dynasty not only as our fearless protectors from the imperialist forces, but also as gods.
And let the Fed sell bonds to bring bank reserves back down to required reserve levels, so we have restraint on bank lending and bank issuances of liability.
I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them, but I didn't. I decided that whatever trip I was on, they were going with me. You're looking at a real daddy.
The first time at age 5 and a half, when I took a racket in my hands and my father fed me some balls, I made 50 backhands in a row - didn't miss a single one.
At a time when you do not know what chemicals are being fed into plants, there's no way you would know how toxic animals are. So, I'd stick to vegetarian fare.
You must go deeper into Russia - 150 kilometres from Moscow or more, and look there. The kids are fed with cattle feed - people don't get paid for half a year.
My grandfather had Alzheimer's. He would eat everything and anything that was around; then he wouldn't remember that he ate it and would demand to be fed again.
I think there is no future whatsoever in 3D. It does nothing to the grammar and syntax or vocabulary of cinema. And you get fed up with it in exactly 3 minutes.
I try to be as clear and straight as I can in what I am putting forward. I think people are fed up with politicians where there are lots of bland lines to take.
George III's ability to step in and out of his role fed stories of commoners chancing upon a sturdy gentleman by the wayside who later turned out to be the king.