Obviously, I haven't succeeded in defusing the political concerns about the Fed.

If I had a horse of my own that I loved and fed and knew me, it would be amazing.

Throughout my career, I fed off the fuel of people not being able to understand me.

Historically, Alaska is a place that has attracted those fed up with conventionality.

I would never ever dare to objectify anyone who has fed me, protected me or loved me.

People are fed up of politicians who say one thing one day and another the day after.

People always want to know what I fed my kids. I gave them real food, not frozen pizza.

There hasn't been this much excitement since the Romans fed the Christians to the Lions.

I have fed purely upon ale; I have eat my ale, drank my ale, and I always sleep upon ale.

And, in some ways I like traveling, in other ways I'm sort of fed up by the whole notion.

I'm not at all fed up with British films, but I am fed up with playing upper-class people.

People are fed up with seeing the same thing over and over. They want a qualitative change.

This profession has fed me creatively and allowed me to have a home life and a private life.

I am fed up with a system which busts the pot smoker and lets the big dope racketeer go free.

The Fed has become an accomplice in the support of totalitarian regimes throughout the world.

There are daily stresses on the road, but when everyone gets fed, everyone gets happy. Simple.

So mightiest powers buy deepest calms are fed, And sleep, how oft, in things that gentlest be!

The cutthroat avenues of rock 'n' roll, I am fed up with. I don't want anything to do with it.

We have adopted zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. We have not fed biryani to terrorists.

Our bodies are machines and have to be functional, and to do that they have to be fed properly.

I just got so fed up with the bad vibes. I didn't care if it was the Beatles; I was getting out.

I get quite fed up being on a film set day after day, six days a week. It can get to be a grind.

I get fed up with plots that are driven by someone constantly getting information on a computer.

This bill, the Sound Dollar Act, is all about looking forward about the role the Fed should play.

It is hard to have great confidence in predicting what market reactions to Fed decisions will be.

The only time I ever really consider retiring is when I get fed up with the press. Which is often.

Honestly, sometimes I get really fed up of my subconscious - it's like it's got a mind of its own.

I just think people are fed up with people who are career politicians who don't stand for anything.

I had always previously really fed off of negativity and enjoyed being the guy who everybody hated.

I never had, like, a nanny that took care of me. My mom always fed me breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

When you're a kid with artistic yearnings brought up in the Bronx, you don't get fed up too easily.

People believed I was fed with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I fought for everything that I have.

It's important for the Fed, hard as it is, to attempt to detect asset bubbles while they're forming.

I think any man can be won over by being fed my Chicken with Roasted Garlic, Pancetta, and Rosemary.

I've beaten all contenders for 11 years. I'm not a robot; I'm fed up. My body's tired of it. I'm 36.

Lest when I am gone you may be at a loss for an epitaph for me, let me give you one - He Fed Fevers.

I got to the point where I was fed up with so many people telling me how and who I was supposed to be.

I hate nightclubs, and I get fed up very quickly in crowded rooms. I enjoy being around people I know.

The banks have accounts with the Fed, much the same way that you have an account in a commercial bank.

I grew up a chubby girl. I had two brothers. My parents loved us, they just fed us whatever we wanted.

Man is the only animal whose desires increase as they are fed; the only animal that is never satisfied.

I fed them every day. So it was a papa that kept food on the table for them. I did that. I did my part.

The Fed's ability to raise and lower short-term interest rates is its primary control over the economy.

As you go along, you literally collect places. I'm fed up with going to places; I shan't go to anymore.

Americans are fed up with these mandatory census surveys, and they're asking us to stop the harassment.

It's appropriate for the Fed to gradually and cautiously increase our overnight interest rate over time.

A huge amount of what goes on in the Middle East has to do with people being fed really bad information.

I'm a strong-and-stable-dollar advocate, and the Fed has been moving dangerously away from that mission.

To be honest with you, I get a little fed up with actors who act crazy to make themselves more interesting.

We cast away priceless time in dreams, born of imagination, fed upon illusion, and put to death by reality.

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