Fatherland before everything, art afterward.

My fatherland has always the first claim on me.

Germany is our fatherland; Europe is our future.

Sweet and fitting it is to die for the fatherland.

Night is the fatherland of the great inspirations.

My whole life was service to people and the Fatherland.

Perugia is my true fatherland because there I grew to manhood.

I have loved my German people and my fatherland with a warm heart.

A state always calls itself fatherland when it is ready for murder.

I am equally proud of my Serbian origin and my Croatian fatherland.

I am the Haitian flag. He who is my enemy is the enemy of the fatherland.

...Fatherland without freedom and merit is a large word with little meaning.

These roads do not serve transportation alone, they also bind our Fatherland.

Milosevic was an outstanding politician who gave his all to serving his fatherland.

So I do not consider myself a chronicler of my fatherland or even a chronicler of Havana

So I do not consider myself a chronicler of my fatherland or even a chronicler of Havana.

One does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language. That is our country, our fatherland - and no other.

Above all, be suspicious of your fatherland. Nobody is more inclined to become a murderer than a fatherland.

Some fatherlands are difficult. Germany is one of them. But it is our fatherland. Here is where we live and work.

Wherever I see some mystique, be it virtue or family, faith or fatherland, there I must commit some indecent act.

With a firm and steadfast mind one should hold under all conditions, that everywhere the earth is below and the sky above, and to the energetic man, every region is his fatherland.

The kind of support encouraged by such modes of expression has always arisen basically from confusing the fatherland itself with the social conditions which happened to prevail in it.

If these hands, used to fighting, would be acceptable to His Holiness, we most thankfully dedicate them to the service of him who deserves so well of the Church and of the fatherland.

Left-wingers and right-wingers come together when they become extreme enough. The Nazi Party was called National Socialism, very similar to Stalin's Communism, with the addition of 'the Fatherland.'

Let's dig deep to build the kind of police force that our fatherland really deserves. We need a revolution of the police force here in Venezuela, and I will carry it out without delay, without excuses.

The relationship I have to my fatherland is like that of mothers with crippled children: they love them all the more, the more crippled they are. Germany is the background of all my plans, the return to Germany.

Something new has happened: For the first time in German history our fatherland is guided by a plan that considers only the needs of the people, and aims at building prosperity and reconstructing of our fatherland.

The patriot subordinates himself to his State in order to raise it above all other States and thus, as it were, to find his personal sacrifice repaid with ample interest through the might and greatness of his fatherland.

The Fatherland Liberation War, which the Korean people fought against the haughty U.S. imperialists who had battened on aggression and pillage, was, in fact, a hard fight that could be likened to a bare-handed man versus brigandish robbers.

The people's army should always maintain a highly agitated state and be equipped with full fighting readiness so as to smash the enemies with a single stroke if they make the slightest move and achieve the historic cause of the fatherland's reunification.

Our party and the Republic's government will go hand in hand with anyone who truly desires the country's reunification and the nation's peaceful prosperity and will make responsible and patient efforts to accomplish the historic cause of the fatherland's reunification.

The territorial state is such an ancient form of society - here in Europe it dates back thousands of years - that it is now protected by the sanctity of age and the glory of tradition. A strong religious feeling mingles with the respect and the devotion to the fatherland.

No one ceases to be a man, no one forfeits his rights to civilization merely by being more or less uncultured, and since the Filipino is regarded as a fit citizen when he is asked to pay taxes or shed his blood to defend the fatherland, why must this fitness be denied him when the question arises of granting him some right?

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