My father was an exceptionally strong influence on me.

A father's disappointment can be a very powerful tool.

Become what our Heavenly Father desires you to become.

Father was the most unreconciled taxpayer I ever knew.

The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father.

No music is so pleasant to my ears as that word-father.

My father felt that children should make their own way.

What a dreadful thing it must be to have a dull father.

Two of my biggest heroes were my father and John Wayne.

I never kissed my father until he was on his death bed.

Ambition is a vice, but it may be the father of virtue.

Same-sex marriage will lead to "fathers marrying sons."

'Tis happy for him that his Father was born before him.

Whoever does not have a good father should procure one.

I hope I am remembered by my children as a good father.

One can't carry one's father's corpse about everywhere.

The gun of the father is always the undoing of the son.

Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers.

The best thing I ever saw was a man who loved his wife.

I don't think I was all that late in becoming a father.

I was married at 16, a father at 17 and divorced at 18.

My beauty icon is the love between my mother and father.

When one has not had a good father, one must create one.

My father had a varied ear, from Hank Williams to Ravel.

Almighty Father, please stop making jerks. Amen...Break!

I feel so good singing songs that I sang with my father.

No, I never thought about my father's money as my money.

I know what a good man is because I saw it in my father.

I did not become a father because I am fond of children.

My father was my greatest inspiration. He was a lunatic.

Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. It had no mother.

I inherited half my father's friends and all his enemies

My father always said, 'It ain't bragging if it's true.'

Hey, Ocean Eyes,” my father said. “Where’d you go on us?

He looks a hell of a lot like me, only a fair bit older.

Good fathers not only tell us how to live, they show us.

Every father says the same thing: “Where's your mother?”

Sure, occasion is the father of most that is good in us.

No, well, my father's definitely not Christopher Walken.

Father of fathers, make me one, A fit example for a son.

The similarities between me and my father are different.

Being a father makes everything in the world make sense.

Because of my father, we are that Shining City on a Hill.

Obama gets his identity and his ideology from his father.

I answered my father's demands for sympathy with silence.

The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the children.

My father took one hundred and thirty-two minutes to die.

I sent my father to Mecca for Hajj with my first paycheck

I have always thought of Walt Disney as my second father.

Let your first 'good morning' be to your Heavenly Father.

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