If homes are going to survive, it will be because husbands and fathers again place their families at the highest level on their system of priorities.

People ask me from time to time what it was like growing up with Henry Fonda as my father. I say, Ever see Fort Apache? He was like Colonel Thursday.

...and clung more closely to the dear human love, from which our Father never means us to be weaned, but through which He draws us closer to Himself.

Sleep every chance you get. Eat every chance you get. Those were two of the many lessons that Kat learned at her father’s knee and her uncle’s table.

I'm lucky to have very good genes. My mother was so tiny she was almost bird-like, and my father was tall and lean. Both lived until their early 80s.

Every single human being is created in the image of God; created for dignity, created for the Father's love, created for kindness, created for mercy.

When I was 7 years old, my father asked me a simple question. He said, 'do you want to see someone fly?' What 7 year old boy is gonna say no to that?

For their entire lives, even before they met you, your mother and father held their love for you inside their hearts like an acorn holds an oak tree.

My father was frightened of his mother; I was frightened of my father, and I am damned well going to see to it that my children are frightened of me.

My father had a deep and lifelong contempt for politicians in general ("They tell lies," he used to say with wonder, "even when they don't have to").

Before you ignore another homeless person on the street, just remember that that could be someone's father or someone's mother and they have a story.

Children today laugh at fathers who tell them about dragons. It is necessary to make fear a required subject; otherwise children will never learn it.

I learned construction and carpentry from my father at a young age, so I felt very comfortable and I felt very satisfied when I worked in that field.

my mother hoped that i would die etcetera bravely of course my father used to become hoarse talking about how it was a privilege and if only he could

She wouldn't come back. She hated me. She hated Nan. She hated my mom. She hated her father. She wouldn't come back here... but God, I wanted her to.

I have to play baseball to make me happy. I have to be an athlete. But when it's all said and done, I'll be a normal father. A normal-type house man.

How rude would I be, walking around and saying: 'Hello. I'm Eleanor Mondale. My father was vice president of the United States. Treat me differently.

Except for the title 'father,' there is no title, including vice president, that I am more proud to wear than that of a senator of the United States.

I'm ridiculous in my oversharing; my mom and sister are very open but a little more judicious than me... and my father is a decidedly private person.

There are people who are afraid to go to confession, forgetting that they will not encounter a severe judge there, but the immensely merciful Father.

One big contribution my father [Stephen Hawking] has made is to show that having a disability does not bar you from leading a full and eventful life.

[My father was ] Presbyterian [minister]. But I did not take the Bible seriously until I was forced to take Hebrew at McCormick Theological Seminary.

When I was maybe 5 or 6 years old, the neighborhood girls would sit on the stoop and sing. I was known as the kid who had a good voice and no father.

Time is hastening on, and we What our fathers are shall be,-- Shadow-shapes of memory! Joined to that vast multitude Where the great are but the good.

No, Father, I've a very different idea of love. And until my dying day I shall refuse to love a scheme of things in which children are put to torture.

Will we listen to Satan, the author of all lies … ? Or are we going to believe a loving Heavenly Father, who is the source of all truth and happiness?

Few fathers care much for their sons, or at least, most of them care more for their money. Of those who really love their sons, few know how to do it.

When my mother died, and when my father died, it's big. Our parents are giants; they're titans of our lives, so of course it's going to be a big deal.

As the father of six children, I want to know that when my wife or I drop our kids off at school they will be safe from predators, crime and violence.

My father loved baseball and he cultivated my talent. I don't think he ever had any doubt in his mind that I would play professional baseball someday.

I am what I am thanks to my mother, my father, my brother, my sister... because they have given me everything. The education I have is thanks to them.

Father of Light! great God of Heaven! Hear'st thou the accents of despair? Can guilt like man's be e'er forgiven? Can vice atone for crimes by prayer.

Perhaps the most valuable thing he taught me (his father) was that there is no contradiction between devotion to work and enjoyment of life and people

In person, my father is so friendly, so considerate, so funny, and so real. I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all my heart.

It is my pleasure that my children are free and happy, and unrestrained by parental tyranny. Love is the chain whereby to bind a child to its parents.

I surrounded myself with women when I was growing up because I had this horrible psycho father. Now I'm trying to really appreciate and like men more.

This is not your father's marketing. Instead of "do it right no matter what", search marketing demands that you "do it wrong quickly and then fix it".

In the creative process there is the father, the author of the play; the mother, the actor pregnant with the part; and the child, the role to be born.

I'm a full-blooded Mexican. My mother was born in Zacatecas, Mexico, and my father - the son of Mexican immigrants - was born near Fresno, California.

Though my father was a sirdar, he always carried loads. It is hard for someone who is walking unburdened to generate in others an enthusiasm for work.

A judicial activist is a judge who interprets the Constitution to mean what it would have said if he, instead of the Founding Fathers, had written it.

Tender expressions of love and affection toward children are as much the responsibility of the father as the mother. Tell your children you love them.

I changed up everything around me. I hold myself more accountable in certain situations. I try to be a better man, a better father, a better teammate.

Fathers like to have children good-natured, well-behaved, and comfortable, but how to put them in that desirable condition is out of their philosophy.

Men like my father cannot die. They are with me still, real in memory as they were in flesh, loving and beloved forever. How green was my valley then.

All that really matters is I have two beautiful kids, and I'm trying to be the best dad I can possibly be, and that's the most important thing of all.

When I was growing up in the 50s it wasn't quite the same. Fathers were more protective and now they see all of the possibilities for their daughters.

We need to insist on fathers and mothers sharing the care of their offspring as well as the opportunity to enjoy the fulfillment of individual rights.

My father would say, 'Ronnie, you're going to be someone special. Whatever it is that you want to do, you're going to be the best in the world at it.'

When you're a father, you know exactly where your heart really is. There's no question of it, no doubt. That part of your life has no second guessing.

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