My father is a man of impeccable character who has worked tirelessly for the United Nations for many years. His integrity is beyond reproach.

Nobody follows me where I go, Over the mountains or valleys below; Nobody sees where the wild winds blow, Only the Father in Heaven can know.

It must be a hard thing, to be a father; living in fear that your daughter would meet a boy she liked, but also having to worry if she didn't.

I'm going to go with ZZ Top -- they're my faves . . . because of the whole thing that they do with the guitars and the old Father Time beards.

My mother went to university, my father didn't. But they are very educated, very wise people. My father went to the military, so he's worldly.

It was my father who taught me to value myself. He told me that I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life.

I have always been grateful that my Russian mother and father came to this country to give me a better chance, and I have had a better chance.

My father was a deeply spiritual, prophetic man, [who] I adored. I watched him pray as a boy and wanted to know the "Jesus" he shed tears for.

I'm very inspired by him-it was my father who taught us that an immigrant must work twice as hard as anybody else, that he must never give up.

My father says that those who want power and get it live in terror of losing it. That's why we have to give power to those who do not want it.

My father was raised with brothers, he was a football player and a boxer, he was a chief petty officer in the Navy, he was a man of his times.

One thing I am certain of is that, if I have done anything good in music, it was, first, because of my father, and second, because of my wife.

How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he has planted.

I led a comfortable life, went to good schools and was privileged in many ways, but my father worked hard. We never considered ourselves rich.

[Margaret Thatcher] scorned and despised other women, and predicated her values entirely on the values of her father, a small town shopkeeper.

Like Scout and her father in To Kill a Mockingbird, my father would pull me onto his lap each night in our four-room apartment and read aloud.

Father of rosy day, No more thy clouds of incense rise; But waking flow'rs, At morning hours, Give out their sweets to meet thee in the skies.

Charlie Hebdo: Satire was the father of true political freedom, born in the 18th century; the scourge of bigots and tyrants. Sing its praises.

My first film role was a reporter. It's funny, because my father was a news reporter. I always thought there was something strange about that.

My father was a preacher in Maryland and we had crab feasts - with corn on the cob, but no beer, being Methodist - outside on the church lawn.

Nobody ever worked as hard as my father. My father averaged maybe four hours of sleep at night, and when you're a kid, you don't realize that.

My father felt that his world of ideas was too liberal for traditional rabbinical teachings, and he looked for a chance to find a way in life.

If you don't like your sister or don't get along with your father, let's find out if you like yourself. Let's not sugarcoat anything about it.

My parents were divorced and I didn't grow up with my father, but I spent a lot of time around him, and his influence on me has been profound.

My father's family came from Virginia and Philadelphia. He wasn't a brother who talked a lot. He was a working man, a quiet, blue-collar dude.

Yes, he [Mahatma Gandhi] was a great man. However...between me and Gandhi there was never the understanding there was between me and my father.

Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?

My father started on this golf course at Latrobe when he was sixteen years old. He was digging ditches when they were building the golf course.

I remember distinctly telling my father-in-law, barring a miracle, we're going to have to terminate the pregnancy. Her health has to come first

The father is the sun, the mother is the moon and the light they mutually shed on their kids makes them bright stars against a very dark night.

Christmas is taken very seriously in this household. I believe in Father Christmas and there's no way I'd do anything to undermine that belief.

Father's Day is important because, besides being the day on which we honor Dad, it's the one day of the year that Brookstone does any business.

The mind is the terriblest force in the world, father, Because, in chief, it, only, can defend Against itself. At its mercy, we depend Upon it.

Bush made a point of emphasizing to me that unlike his father's administration, his was one of significant "walk-in access" to the Oval Office.

I started boxing when I was eight. Me and my brother Rafael started boxing in amateur tournaments when I was 13. My father was an ex-pro boxer.

My father knew all about this stuff [C.W. Leadbeater]. I owe a lot of what I'm doing, I think, to him. I'm sort of continuing my father's work.

So the first job that I got - my father got it for me - he had his clerical collar on, was a gay bar in D.C., it was Mr. Henry's of Georgetown.

When in many societies, fathers are usually known by their sons, I am one of the few fathers who is known by his daughter, and I'm proud of it.

If we have George W. Bush as president, we're going to go back to the kind of policies we had when his father and Ronald Reagan were president.

Men always liked me, because I was very damaged and unpredictable, my children's father claims that I have multiple personalities, but I don't.

I think that standing onstage on January 19th, and my father had just defied all expectations and won Iowa, was by far the most surreal moment.

Its a rare thing when a father and son can share the same experience. My father and I have seen all 19 Bond films together, two or three times.

Her father picks different names for her as they change locales, but he uses Miranda often, presumably because he knows how much it annoys her.

My father, to whom I owe so much, never told me the difference between right and wrong; now I think that's why I remain so greatly in his debt.

I'm estranged from my father and that relationship, as a young man, is incredibly important. It's probably responsible for the man I've become.

More than fifty-five years ago my father told me, "The Bible does not belong on the shelf but in your hand, under your eye, and in your heart."

Shanks was the father figure but Roger Hunt was something special. It might sound daft but just picking up his sweaty kit gave me satisfaction.

I know we play a part in the story of progressive music, but for us those influences are the real fathers, the ones that we were interested in.

[My father] taught me (at least he showed me) a dignified way to be a former president is that once you're off the stage, you're off the stage.

I grew up all over the world. My father was in the army and was posted to a new place every two and a half years. I have no geographical roots.

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