Of all things I liked books best. My father had a large library and whenever I could manage I tried to satisfy my passion for reading.

When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him.

My father always said that government is like watching another man piss in your boot. Someone feels better but it certainly isn't you.

He deserves nothing. Nothing but our scorn. (Father) Then I am rich indeed from the abundance of that which you’ve shown me. (Acheron)

Not by accident, you may be sure, do the Christian Scriptures make the father of knowledge a serpent - slimy, sneaking and abominable.

You are who God says you are. Spiritually alive. Heavenly positioned. Connected to the Father. A billboard of mercy. An honored child.

I've always known that my father's father and grandfather and grandmother were from Mexico. I've never denied it. I've always said it.

If more husbands and fathers would put as much energy into their marriages and families as they do their jobs, the world would change.

To all fathers and mothers of the Church, tell your children that you love them and that you are so happy to have them in your family.

His heritage to his children wasn't words or possessions, but an unspoken treasure, the treasure of his example as a man and a father.

My father had a Super 8 camera when I was a kid and sometimes he would use it. I did some animation with it. I did a lot of flipbooks.

My father runs a restaurant business in Delhi, so if I had chosen to sell kebabs, it would be far easier for me than for anybody else.

The public saw my father right out of central casting. He looked the part, acted the part... he was the part! The real life Godfather.

The triangle of truisms, of father, mother and child, cannot be destroyed; it can only destroy those civilizations which disregard it.

Family holidays and weekends are really brightly colored memories, full of my mother and father, rather than our nannies and au pairs.

I was a shy, awkward sort of a boy and my fathers frequent absences from home, along with my hero worship for him, made me even shyer.

I love my kids, I'm a proud father, a happy husband, and all of that. I live my life with my wife as a normal person, and that's that.

When shall I be dead and rid Of all the wrong my father did? How long, how long 'till spade and hearse Put to sleep my mother's curse?

My father passed away before he saw me perform. I can't help but wonder what he would think of all this. I go to a job in full makeup.

Lynet scowled. "I’m just so tired of young knights wearing their father’s armor and dreaming romantic dreams riding up to their death.

I read Stephen King as a junior high schooler. My father introduced me to Stephen King far too young, which I'm very grateful for now.

Good parents give their children Roots and Wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what's been taught them.

I have neither permitted, nor shall I permit, the things which have been settled by the holy fathers to be violated by any innovation.

My father was a Little League dictator. That really affected me, his control-freakery, his impunity, his arbitrary unreasonable power.

Proud about my father? What am I most proud of? I think I'm proud of the legacy he left I think is what it is. He has left us so much.

I ask you...to adopt the principles proclaimed by yourselves, by your revolutionary fathers, and by the old bell in Independence Hall.

My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.

Throughout American history our presidents have invoked our nation's founding fathers. This is particularly true of recent presidents.

The thing that is my main focus is my family. More than anything, I want to be a good husband to my wife and a good father to my kids.

The stupendous truth of the existence of a Heavenly Mother, as well as a Heavenly Father, became established facts in Mormon Theology.

How shall a man escape from his ancestors, or draw off from his veins the black drop which he drew from his father's or mother's life?

People ask me if I ever see my father and I say yes, because he puts in the effort. He calls all the time to tell us he's proud of us.

I didn't read so much Japanese literature. Because my father was a teacher of Japanese literature, I just wanted to do something else.

To be alone with Jesus in adoration and intimate union with Him is the Greatest Gift of Love - the tender love of Our Father in Heaven.

Lift up your eyes. The heavenly Father waits to bless you - in inconceivable ways to make your life what you never dreamed it could be.

It is important not to copy other people's careers but set the tone of who you want to be. My father's always encouraged me to do that.

My mother born in Mexico, but was Lebanese in origin. She born 1902 the same year my father arrived to Mexico when he was 14 years old.

I was kosher until I had my Bar Mitzvah, and I parlayed officially becoming a man into telling my father I wanted to eat cheeseburgers.

A father has to do everything in his power to keep a tight ship, even though he knows the crew would like to send him away in a dinghy.

Your Heavenly Father needs you. His work, under the direction of our Savior Jesus Christ, needs what you are uniquely prepared to give.

Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us O'er the world's tempestuous sea; Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, For we have no help but Thee.

One inch at a time, that was how her father had taught her. You can't do anything but worry about the few inches right in front of you.

I wanted to be like my father, who was a cattle man and a rodeo roper. And that was - he was my hero, and I wanted to be more like him.

I come from a wonderful family. My mother was a pianist and my father was a salesman. They were very middle-class, very middle-Western.

Jesus said, "My Father is the gardener...He trims and cleans every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit".

I obviously have a great love and appreciation of jewelry, thanks to my mother, much to the dismay of both my father and my boyfriends.

The Bible and its teachings helped form the basis for the Founding Fathers' abiding belief in the inalienable rights of the individual.

I'm a father. It isn't just my life any more. I don't want my kid finding bottles in the house or seeing his father completely smashed.

We must work together to save and strengthen Social Security not just for my father's generation but also for my daughters' generation.

If we truly want to be tools in the hands of our Heavenly Father in bringing to pass His eternal purposes, we need only to be a friend.

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