True maturity is only reached when a man realizes he has become a father figure to his girlfriends' boyfriend - and he accepts it

If you do something for the first time, you will always remember it. If your Dad has something to do with it, you write about it.

It is very difficult, it is perhaps impossible, for someone who loves his mother to love the woman whom your father left her for.

A poignant paradox is that sometimes the very desire to be a good mother or father will lead the parent to mistake duty for love.

My father died when I was nine, but I came from a stable family environment, which I think does contribute to being well-behaved.

Every thing in this world, said my father, is big with jest,--and has wit in it, and instruction too,--if we can but find it out.

If we had everything we wanted and needed without asking of Heavenly Father, we would lose sight of the hand of God in our lives.

Guitar Player Magazine says Dick Dale is the father of Heavy Metal, blowing up 48 amplifiers, creating the first power amplifier.

When did it become a problem to be a small businessman and become successful? The small businessman - like my father, or like me?

What will we answer to Him about that child, that old father and mother, because they are His creation, they are children of God.

Out of everything - out of the money and the gift bags - the most important thing to me is just my mother and father being happy.

I'm a Progressive. Much in the same way our founding fathers - who, oddly enough, wouldn't get elected today - were Progressives.

He alone can remit sins who is appointed our Master by the Father of all; He only is able to discern obedience from disobedience.

Peruse the Christian marketplace, and you will find a plethora of books, songs, and paintings that depict God as a loving Father.

Father-daughter relationship, is something that I think is so unique and it can't really be explained unless you have a daughter.

My parents met in Kenya. My father is African, is Kenyan. The Kenyan side of my family was involved in the anticolonial movement.

My grandfather, on my father's side, helped to draft one of the first constitutions of China. He was a fairly well-known scholar.

It's not who you are, but whose you are that counts. Because God is your heavenly Father, doors of opportunity will open for you.

As for my own truncated secondary education, my head was in the clouds as my mom would say, or if you asked my father, up my ass.

My father was a physicist and also an activist. My first public protest was with my dad at Stanford. I came by all that honestly.

As regards parents, I should like to see them as highly educated as possible, and I do not restrict this remark to fathers alone.

"I'm a victim of sexual discrimination." "No, you're the victim of a cruel sexual experiment performed by your mother and father.

My father was a Social Gospel, far-left liberal, and to some degree a mystic. But we did not have Bible readings; we had prayers.

Our Founding Fathers drafted the Bill of Rights to ensure that We the People could determine how best to protect our communities.

I know that God our Father is in this work in great congregations . . . and in the smallest branch and the smallest congregation.

I grew up watching science fiction with my dad. It was kind of our little secret. It was our bonding time as father and daughter.

My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.

The body, what is it, Father, but a sign To love the force that grows us, to give back What in Thy palm is senselessness and mud?

I grew up in a household where reading was encouraged. My mother believed in the power of words, and my father obviously did too.

Raised by an irresponsible mother during the Great Depression in the Jim Crow south, my father was on his own from the age of 13.

My father has said a hundred times, and I have paid attention, that it's stupid to let money be the reason you don't do something.

My father is Jaime Rodriguez from San Antonio, Texas, and I've got one whole half of my family that's Mexican through and through.

Your father leaving your family, that's your bedrock for all your future relationships and that's your security when you're a kid.

[I want to be remembered] as a great servant of God who tried to give back as much as possible, and as a great father and husband.

It is false to suggest that Thomas Jefferson or any other Founding Father believed in a legal barrier to God in the public square.

...Then I got divorced and everything changed, and I became a father in a whole new way and found a whole new set of difficulties.

I think my father is probably the best coach ever because, if we talk about numbers, he's got a lot and he's only had two players.

My kids going to school and teachers denying my kids the grades that they should have once they found out that I was their father.

Everything I talk about in stand-up is my experiences as an American, as a father, as a husband, as a black man, as a human being.

The principal end both of my father and of myself in the conquest of India... has been the propagation of the holy Catholic faith.

My father tried to give me the sex talk once, and he chickened out. He walked into my room and went, 'Adam - uh, don't kiss guys.'

You write a book like that you're fond of over the years, then you see that happen to it, it's like pissing in your father's beer.

My father, who grew up picking olives on the Greek island of Lesbos, was a doctor. So my family expected me to become a physician.

All of our holy fathers knew this and all with one accord teach that perfection in holiness can be achieved only through humility.

My father instilled in me that if you don't see things happening the way you want them to, you get out there and make them happen.

But Father has also taught him: Treat a man as if he had a fine reputation to protect, and he will usually endeavor to deserve it.

Tonight, the daughter of an immigrant from Italy has been chosen to run for vice president in the new land my father came to love.

That porch is a happy-looking place, and my father - burdened, stoop-shouldered, cadaverously thin - doesn't seem to belong on it.

Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. I was very unconditionally loved and accepted, I felt, by my father.

As a father of young girls, I want to publicly thank all women who dress and carry themselves like ladies. Your example is a gift.

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