I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life.

Demonstrators for a government takeover of medicine have a right to discuss their demands, but no right to enact these demands.

I started working occasionally for my father when I was around six. The first skill I learned was how to join a plug to a wire.

I think that at some point everybody turns into their mother or their father, it's just not normally from morning to afternoon.

My father told me 'Name your price in the beginning. If it ever gets more expensive than the price you name, get out of there.'

Becoming a father made me much more interested in the parent character in my novels. I've never found parents that interesting.

Prongs rode again last night... You know, Harry, in a way, you did see your father last night... You found him inside yourself.

I would have to say that my mother's entrepreneurial perspective, and that of her father's, are very evident in my own outlook.

Father and Mother are apostles, bishops and priests to their children, for it is they who make them acquainted with the gospel.

Going to the movies was a big event in my youth. My father would be the initiator - he'd have me put on a jacket to see a film.

When liberals say 'family', they mean 'Big Brother in Washington.' When we say 'family,' we mean 'honor thy father and mother.'

The first music I was ever exposed to was Irish folk music, like the Clancy Brothers. My father plays that and Christmas songs.

I made a decision when my father passed away that I was going to be who God made me to be and not try to preach like my father.

It is a pity that instead of the Pilgrim Fathers landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock had not landed on the Pilgrim Fathers.

My father had to go to work, I used to think he was a jerk. I didn't know his heart was broken, and not another word was spoken.

I got married, going to become father soon, being No. 1 in the sport that I love with all my heart. I mean, it's pretty awesome.

My father's really fluent in French, but I can't speak at all. I actually took it twice in school already and failed both times!

My father once told me, and it's stuck with me to this day: As you walk through life, every time you fart it pushes you forward.

George Washington, who said to his father, Dad, if I never tell I lie, how am I ever gonna become President? Never got a dinner!

It was really important in my relationship with James Caan that I understood the relationship between the family and the father.

As my father used to tell me, the only true sign of success in life is being able to do for a living that which makes you happy.

My mother's a singer and my mother's father is a singer, and everyone on both sides are all country-western bluegrass musicians.

My father always told me, 'Don't waste energy worrying about things you can't control. Spend your energy focusing on solutions'.

My dad is a loving person. He would never disown me. At some point we will be together again. I love my father, and he loves me.

We discover in the gospels a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstition, fanaticism and fabrication .

I'm always showing pictures off. I have to be careful who I show them to because of who I am, obviously, but I'm a proud father.

My father offered me a dollar for every pound I would lose as a kid. It didn't work. And it doesn't really work in the long run.

I've always had a keen interest in the world. My father was in Patton's 3rd Army, and he helped liberate Dachau in the 7th Army.

My parents split up when I was about 2. I realize more and more how much I'm like my father. My gentleness comes from my mother.

You see, my father was a Catholic priest, Greek Orthodox, but I think he started out as a Jew, then he became a Catholic priest.

Anthony's father was a mad baronet and his mother a very beautiful woman. That's Anthony-half mad baronet, half beautiful woman.

I still have a video of my father, which I watch before every game I play for Brazil. It gives me strength, makes me determined.

My father left Ireland because he did not want to muck horse manure for the rest of his life, and he wanted to come to New York.

Thank God for the founding fathers, who set up three separate branches of government. And the media acting as the Fourth Estate.

The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to... bare the secrets of government and inform the people.

There aren't many fathers around here...If someone is old enough to father a child, he should be old enough to help bring it up.

One of my father's most precious legacies to me was spiritual. I learned from him the value of courage and the strength of will.

All we have to do is to go onward and upward, and keep the commandments of our Father and God; and he will confound our enemies.

Being president of too many well-meaning organizations put my father into an early grave. The lesson in this was not lost on me.

Superman's original name was Kal-El, or Swift God. His father's name was Jor-El. Superman was clearly drawn as a modern-day god.

I was raised in Brooklyn and in Baltimore. My father was a bookkeeper. When I was 36 years old, my mother told me I was adopted.

Griffin, my brother, 11 months younger, was sometimes the victim of my father's fury - once Ryan famously knocked out his teeth.

When a man induces his wife to turn suspicious thoughts against her own father, then that is surely cause enough for resentment.

People who say it was her father who prepared her for the post of prime minister, it was her father who launched her, are wrong.

We don't just change our minds, we change the way we see things. That's one reason I'm a better grandfather than I was a father.

My father liked to moralize, and so do I. But he was in earnest, while I am embarrassed and pretend that I am merely being witty.

If we can genuinely honor our mother and father we are not only at peace with ourselves but we can then give birth to our future.

Thanksgiving Day is a day devoted by persons with inflammatory rheumatism to thanking a loving Father that it is not hydrophobia.

My father once told me that anyone who worked for three dollars an hour owed it to himself to put in four dollars' worth of work.

Everyone I know who is successful has issues with their father, regardless of whether it was sports or business or entertainment.

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