Follow in the footsteps of your fathers' virtue! How could you hope to climb high unless your fathers' will climbs with you?

My father would always say "learn everything you can and whenever you can, because you never know when it'll come in handy."

[My parents] met in university back in the '70s. And I didn't grow up with my father. He - they separated before I was born.

My parents were very supportive of me and my artistic endeavours. My father and mother came to every school play I ever did.

Children wish fathers looked but with their eyes; fathers that children with their judgment looked; and either may be wrong.

I was raised by just my mom. See, my father died when I was eight years old. At least, that's what he told us in the letter.

And the one job my father knew of, that he'd had experience of himself, was the Army, so he could help me in that direction.

[My father] could see as far as he could see and my mother wanted us to go to college so it was a very real part of my life.

My father? My father left when I was quite young. Well actually, he was asked to leave. He had trouble metabolizing alcohol.

I was born in Nizhny Novgorod to a very poor family and unfortunately my father and mother separated when I was very little.

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back, nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.

The luckiest thing that ever happened to me was that my father didn't believe in God, and so he had no hang-ups about souls.

A good father does these basic things: provides for his family, protects his family, and gives spiritual and moral guidance.

I was raised in the Baptist church... but I didn't really have a real committed experience with Christ until my father died.

He guides us into pastures green, He leads to bowers of bliss, Our Father lives, the God unseen, and Christ our Shepherd is.

Between the ages of 8 and 12 it was difficult to know what my father was saying, and he moved very slowly, and then he died.

People have a hard time believing that, but not having a father around, being shy, I just never participated in sports much.

God was treated like this powerful, erratic, rather punitive father who has to be pacified and praised. You know, flattered.

All peoples and nations are of one family, the children of one Father, and should be to one another as brothers and sisters.

There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

I started off as many fathers do. I enjoyed the good bits, but I was wary of the responsibility. But now I love being a dad.

My parents, both of them had teachers in their family and were pretty well read. So my father voted for [Dwight] Eisenhower.

My father names me Autolycus, who being, as I am, littered under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles.

Like my father, I am very impatient. I have a strong bullshit detector. I may finish one book in twenty that I have started.

My father slapped my thighs with a variety of meats until I began to cry and sulked in the corner. I later became a musician

[My father] had spent his own short time like a priest in charge of a relic, forever expecting the blessed blood to liquefy.

I think my father would give me the Department of the Interior because of my love of the outdoors, so we can get that going.

I was raised by a mother who was a Sunday school teacher and a father who worked hard. Together they taught me to give back.

Instead of loving the Trinity of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we tend to love a different trinity: Me, myself, and I.

And fathers are a blessing, too, they give the place a tone; In fact each child should try and have some parents of its own.

I am not going to say I have been a saint. I have not been a perfect man. None is perfect but the Father, which is in Heaven.

Fathers never have exactly the daughters they want because they invent a notion a them that the daughters have to conform to.

The Founding Fathers believed that faith in God was the key to our being a good people and America's becoming a great nation.

The Holy Spirit is the most perfect gift of the Father to men, and yet He is the one gift which the Father gives most easily.

How would you like to have a father who keeps getting younger looking every year? Do you realize what that can do to a woman?

I inherited my ability from both parents; my mother's ability for spending money, and my father's ability for not earning it.

If my father's business hadn't gone broke, I'd be exporting nuts, bolts and sugar machinery right now. What an awful thought!

A father who is a chronic debtor, an adulterous mother, a beautiful wife, and an unlearned son are enemies in one's own home.

Be a father, if not, why bother, son? A boy can make 'em, but a man can raise one. If you did it, admit it and stick with it.

I once said to my father, when I was a boy, 'Dad we need a third political party.' He said to me, 'I'll settle for a second.'

I grew up in Rhodesia on my father's ranch and every year he used to take us on safari in some remote area of the wilderness.

This fulfils my ambition. I still have my father's robe as Chancellor. I shall be proud to serve you in this splendid office.

I seldom remember my father, but I sneeze and rub my nose the way he did. I also love my son with grief and anger, as he did.

I come from a very poor family, with sisters. I never really knew my father, so I miss this strong image of a man in my life.

a woman may be called a wife and mother for most of her life, while a man is called a husband and father only at his funeral.

My father probably - he had flashes of creativity - he used to do store windows for fruit stores that he worked in and stuff.

My father was not scientific, and I was left to struggle with a child's blindness, added to a student's thirst for knowledge.

My father just got out of the Betty Ford Clinic. He's in his 60s, and this was the first time he ever did anything like that.

My father Time is weak and gray With waiting for a better day; See how idiot-like he stands, Fumbling with his palsied hands!

I think [Bush] would like to hand his father Saddam Hussein's head and win his approval for what happened after the Gulf War.

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