I spent my entire childhood living abroad because of my father's occupation, so we were on long-haul flights all the time.

When I see someone like Richard Dawkins, I see my father. I grew up with that. I'm basically the child of Richard Dawkins.

Father Time is the make-up man responsible for the physical changes that determine the parts the average actor is to play.

I worked a long time to get good at what I'm doing, and nobody handed me a recording contract because of who my father is.

The commandments are a gift, not a curse. Sin is less about breaking the rules and more about breaking the Father's heart.

My earliest memories are of my father explaining to me the American Dream and how he expected me to do better than he did.

My mother and father told me I was god. I was a good Italian boy who hung out with the same four guys. I was a little god.

Breast Feeding should not be attempted by fathers with hairy chests, since they can make the baby sneeze and give it wind.

And try to stay out of trouble with the ladies. Remember, they all have fathers and brothers and some of them have armies.

Someone once said that every man is trying to live up to his father's expectations or make up for their father's mistakes.

My father would tell anyone who would listen that this dentist thing he was doing was not his passion; cinematography was.

My grandfather killed my father in my mind. I know he died of cancer-but it was because of what my grandfather did to him.

No one is so foolish as to prefer to peace, war, in which, instead of sons burying their fathers, fathers bury their sons.

I love the man that [Peter Berg] is, the father that he is, and the leader. We push each other in a way. It's competitive.

The De Bernières were very military. I broke the military tradition but I was terribly proud of my father being a soldier.

He who seeks the Father more than anything He can give, is likely to have what he asks, for he is not likely to ask amiss.

Fathers and mothers,” she found herself saying, “leave their mark, no matter if we’ve known them a lifetime or only a day.

When my father announced his campaign for president on Oct. 3, 1991, I had already cast my vote in favor of his candidacy.

Take more pleasure in giving what is best to another than in having it for yourself, and then all the world will love you.

Cannot we let [children] be themselves, and enjoy life in their own way? You are trying to make another you. One's enough.

My father is my idol, so I always did everything like him. He used to work two jobs and still come home happy every night.

I was born an only child in Vienna, Austria. My father found hours to sit by me by the library fire and tell fairy stories.

My father taught me to read music and play the piano-but not well, even though people have said that I'm a natural musician

Fathers, sons, brothers, men everywhere: Your legacy will not perish if you take your partner's surname, or she keeps hers.

To my mother, I was everything. To my father, nothing at all. To my grandmother, I was a daily reminder of loves long lost.

It was dangerous to hit the wrong kid in my neighborhood, because a lot of the guys I played with had fathers in the Mafia.

You can tell what was the best year of your father's life, because they seem to freeze that clothing style and ride it out.

Love masters agony; the soul that seemed Forsaken feels her present God again And in her Father's arms Contented dies away.

Bad luck for the young poet would be a rich father, an early marriage, an early success or the ability to do anything well.

The piano by its black and white keys always attracted me, my father showed me how to use... and slowly I got into playing.

I have been on the cover of Time magazine. My father was on the cover of Time, and my grandfather was on the cover of Time.

The union Christ had with the Father was the greatest that we can conceive of in this life-if indeed we can conceive of it.

Someday I will have to give an account of myself. How would the Father in Heaven judge me if I followed others and not Him?

Are we going to fire the father to hire the son? We want to create jobs for young people, but not at the expense of others.

Being a father is the most important role I will ever play and if I don't do this well, no other thing I do really matters.

My mother was French Protestant, and my father was Italian Catholic, and their union was an excess of God, guilt and sauce.

The worshipful father and first founder and embellisher of ornate eloquence in our English, I mean Master Geoffrey Chaucer.

My father [Erwin Rommel] believed that Germany should have a great interest to leave the war with a peace under conditions.

We want [government] down to the size to where it would fit in a bathtub, and then it could worry about what we were up to.

Father, we long for the clarity of Your truth to dawn upon our minds and for the immensity of Your love to grip our hearts.

When Jane and I spoke out, people thought, What ungrateful children those two kids are to be that nasty about their father.

My father's rich, my momma's good looking. Right? And I can play the Blues. I've never suffered and don't intend to suffer.

Come, then, affliction, if my Father wills, and be my frowning friend. A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy.

The only reason why I'm a Christian is because I'm a gift of the Father to the Son, not because of anything I've ever done.

My father, who suffered from hardening of the arteries, was diagnosed as having that tragic thief of the mind, Alzheimer's.

I look at Barack [Obama], he's slim like my father, and Michelle's [Obama] full figured like my mother. And I just love it.

When fathers are tongue tied religiously with their offspring, need they wonder if their children's hearts remain sin tied?

... finally democracy is catching up with the old, hierarchical, father-dominated family: the family is being democratized.

We must not trust in ourselves, but take the advice of our spiritual father, and recommend ourselves to everybodys prayers.

The way my father raised me, we don't pat ourselves on the back. We don't call ourselves great, we let other people do that.

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