My father wasn't much for show business. He was an insurance man - very well-liked, very warm. He had a lot of friends.

God the Father's a deep root; the Son's the shoot that breaks into the world; the Spirit spreads the beauty & fragrance

So well do I love you, I go to my god singing your praises. When I meet my father, I will tell him I fought beside you.

I was very protective of my father and I didn't like these people who hung around outside all day. They creeped me out.

Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with God forever reflect, in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God.

Every parent is at some time the father of the unreturned prodigal, with nothing to do but keep his house open to hope.

It wasn't right. He knew that, but it was like falling: once you started you couldn't stop until something stopped you.

Industrialization created the Father's Catch-22: a dad loving his children by being away from the love of his children.

I don't mind praying to the Eternal Father, but I must be the only man in the country afflicted with an eternal mother.

A wise man once said that next to losing its mother, there is nothing more healthy for a child than to lose its father.

My father Philip was an actor and appeared in everything from 'The Onedin Line' to 'Hedda Gabler' with Dame Diana Rigg.

Now I can look back and say I actually like the upbringing I had and my father was very attentive and a great educator.

I wanted to emulate my father. I wanted to be as tough as he was. I wanted to do the things that he did. I watched him.

wow it was sad the break up thing in xmas but in the end they got back together but the father soo hush to the children

When I was about 10 I ran away to see my father. He couldn't have cared less. He just took me back as soon as he could.

Men err when they think they can be inhuman exploiters in their business life, and loving husbands and fathers at home.

O heavenly Father, protect and bless all things that have breath: guard them from all evil and let them sleep in peace.

I do hang on to things. I was so happy my father saved his army jacket. I grew up wearing that all through high school.

I wish all the mothers, fathers and children out there realize how much I need them and how much I value their support.

I think there comes a point in probably most father-son relationships where the son kind of starts becoming the parent.

I think being a good Christian father, your responsibility varies with the age and the stage that your children are at.

The fundamental defect of fathers, in our competitive society, is that they want their children to be a credit to them.

Poor Desdemona! I am glad thy father's dead. Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief Shore his old thread in twain.

My family was poor, my father drove a cab for a living, but we felt normal because everybody else was in the same boat.

When I was a child, my father taught me to put up my fists like a boy and to be prepared to defend myself at all times.

My father always told me to wisen up, son. Cause if you hung with nine broke friends, you're bound to be the tenth one.

My childhood name that my father gave me, my mother, my grandmother, grandfather, family and friends all call me T.I.P.

My father's songs don't intimidate me; my father's songs are my songs. My songs are his songs. There's no intimidation.

You must not do, you must not even try to do, the will of the Father unless you are prepared to 'know of the doctrine'.

You're trying to figure out a way to go back in time and spend more time with your father. Who wouldn't want to do that?

One of the greatest gifts my father gave me - unintentionally - was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity.

My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding and the baby at every christening.

You must understand, that for a daughter to protect her father's image is natural; Freud built a whole career around it.

My father was a psychiatrist and a social worker but he was a very talented painter and musician and writer on the side.

He is our Father - the Father of our Spirits, and was once a man in mortal flesh as we are, and is now an exalted being.

This is the gay agenda: equality. Not special rights, but the rights that are already written by [our Founding Fathers].

One of the unseen benefits of having children is that they deliver you from your own selfishness. There's no going back.

I'm very lonely now, Mary, For the poor make no new friends; But oh they love the better still The few our Father sends!

It is a burden because I get asked about my father all the time. I just need to accept that he was a champion before me.

I always saw myself as really ugly. My father even told me I was ugly because I would shave my head and look like a boy.

My father said about money: 'You have to have some. But you don't have to have all of it. Just be honest with yourself.'

Of all your associations, it is your relationship with God, your Heavenly Father, who is the source of your moral power.

I grew up in hospitals. My father was sick. So I grew up in hospitals from the age of 10. Got to see a lot of suffering.

My father is an absolute inspiration and such a gifted filmmaker. I have learned and continue to learn so much from him.

I want to work with a director who becomes my brother, my father, for two months. You give yourself over to that person.

I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, where my father was a minister at music, so I sang in the church all the time.

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.

My father and I were really like a team. I mean, he was very supportive. He'd come to every single one of my live shows.

My father [Erwin Rommel] believed that [Adolf] Hitler has a gift of touching the important points, the essential points.

Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off ... Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust.

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