Becoming an actor is like becoming a father. It's not hard to become one. Making a life of it is the challenge.

I say to all fathers - be as good as you can be- because your sons and daughters will follow in your footsteps.

I'm half Hawaiian and the haka is a very sacred thing, something your family teaches you - my father taught me.

Here was what Kilgore Trout cried out to me in my father's voice: "Make me young, make me young, make me young!

Almost 24 million children - one in three - are likely growing up without their father involved in their lives.

Father, perfect my trust;Let my spirit feel in death,That her feet are firmly setOn the rock of a living faith!

There was one thing my murderer didn't understand; he didn't understand how much a father could love his child.

I consider myself a human being, a Christian, a father, a husband, so many things, before being a black person.

I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there.

I remember as a teen being able to eat more than my father. I was growing so fast and my body couldn’t keep up.

I'm moved by contraries, by opposites, the strength that was my mother's eyes, the beauty of my father's hands.

Fierce invectives against women form a conspicuous and grotesque portion of the writings of the Church fathers.

I loved him [Prince], the world loved him.Now he's at peace with his Father.Rest in power, Prince , my brother.

My family is part Creole, and were Indian, and were also very, very black. My father was so black, he was blue.

My father. I snorted my father. He was cremated and I couldn't resist grinding him up with a little bit of blow.

I would never become an alcoholic like my father because my father deserted us. But diseases, there's no let up.

On a movie set that works, you have your father figure, the director, you have your siblings, your other actors.

I do not kill with my gun; He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.

If I had to live my life over again, I would have a different father, a different wife and a different religion.

When I was 17 - 16, my father and I cut wood all day long and I was swinging that crosscut saw and hauling wood.

A lot of people reject the idea of God as Father if theyve had a competitive relationship with their own father.

Father Jude Nnorom says he hopes the pope's travels in Africa will help end all the wars ravaging the continent.

Praise to our Father-God, High praise in solemn lay, Alike for what His hand hath given, And what it takes away.

My father taught me that the easiest thing to do was to quit. He'd say, 'It doesn't take any talent to do that.'

My father told me to dress to reflect the respect you have for the people around you. I've never forgotten that.

Providing for one's family as a good husband and father is a water-tight excuse for making money hand over fist.

The miracles of Jesus were the ordinary works of his Father, wrought small and swift that we might take them in.

If it were natural for father to care for their sons, they would not need so many laws commanding them to do so.

Because as a father of three kids, I know how important good seeds are for providing healthy food for my family.

A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair.

I became the leader because of my father's leadership and I was considered as powerful as same as my own father.

I let my boy go and do and say pretty much as he likes, as, and perhaps because, my father kept no string on me.

Bedtime stories were definitely a big part of my life because I was just so excited my father was talking to me.

My father hauled boxes so I could get an education and earn enough money to pay someone to make me lift weights.

My father was the Jewish half of the family, yet it was my mother who taught me to have pride in that tradition.

Mexico was most powerfully my father's smile and not, as you might otherwise imagine, not language, not pigment.

That is not a crack house. It is a house with a family with a father and a mother and three sons and a daughter.

Fathers teach their best lessons to their children by the way they handle life when confronted with adversities.

A father's suspicion...' she began. Is as powerful as a mother's intuition.' ~pg 87, Ruana Singh and Jack Salmon

It occurred to me then that I was the opposite of my father. Because I was very, very good at destroying things.

I work hard to improve myself as a person - as a father, as a husband, as a manager. I'm always on that mission.

My father had many, many veterans over to the house, and the older I got the more I appreciated their sacrifice.

My father worked at the Naval Ordnance Lab, and they had a nine-hole course on the property. You paid a quarter.

We often try to put God in a box. The God who fits in our boxes isn't the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I come from an acting family, my father was an actor, and I had to fight my way and just create my own identity.

Why are you measuring? This is how you block, delay, hinder, obstruct and deny his place in the life as a father.

The two greatest plays ever written were Hamlet and Oedipus Rex, and they're both about father-son relationships.

I am determined that my children shall be brought up in their father's religion, if they can find out what it is.

Born in Jabalpur, I was brought up in Deolali, where my father ran a small business of making fire extinguishers.

God wants to father all of us until we're dead sure of his approval, his guiding power and his promise of heaven.

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