The resurrection was God the Father's way of authenticating all of the truths that were declared by Jesus.

The fact is that you can't have a good relationship with a girl who hasn't settled things with her father.

All the warnings the founding fathers gave us about government proved to be true. We should have listened.

I grew up in Manhattan and, since my father was a playwright, all I ever wanted to be was a stage actress.

We were not sent by Father in Heaven just to be born. We were sent to endure and return to Him with honor.

The dotted line my father's ashplant made On Sandymount Strand Is something else the tide won't wash away.

Every divine action begins from the Father, proceeds through the Son, and is completed in the Holy Spirit.

The message was that... fathers can go ahead and have children, but they don't have to raise the children.

I couldn't see my father's films because they were restricted and we didn't have videos or DVDs back then.

I argued constantly with my father [Pablo Escobar] because I never liked all the violence that he created.

Brother killing brother, father slaying son. From the looks of this old graveyard, hell nobody really won.

My father and mother split and I never saw my father until I was 20, nor did I see much more of my mother.

By his father he is English, by his mother he is Americanto my mind the blend which makes the perfect man.

I think I was well brought up, for my father and mother were of one mind regarding the care of the family.

I have men in my life. I have a brother. So Maddox will have male teachers. I was raised without a father.

I want to thank my mother and my father for teaching me to have a dream. You are seeing my dream come true.

My Struggles is a record close to me. It's about what I went through at home living with an abusive father.

And as I had my father's kind of mind-which was also his mother's-I learned that the mind is not sex-typed.

The eternal everlasting God has become our Father and the moment we realize that, it transforms everything.

Fathers are the geniuses of the house because only a person as intelligent as we could fake such stupidity.

When a bride insists on telling her lover everything, I suspect she is looking for a father, not a husband.

My father was a guitar player, and I was raised with a super high standard of what good guitar playing was.

An ancient father says that a dog we know is better company than a man whose language we do not understand.

My dad and I hunted and fished together. How could I get angry at this man who took the time to be with me?

I have no hostility towards men. Some of my best friends are men. I married a man, and my father was a man.

My father was a very good Boy Scout. He was very skilled with knots, and he showed me how to tie a bow tie.

One interviewer asked me: 'How do you feel that you've betrayed your father?' That wasn't really very cool.

My father was strict, but he recognised my ability and got a lot of flak from the church for supporting me.

My father thrives on fear. You know that prayer If I should die before I wake? I had sheets that said that!

My decision to become a lawyer was irrevocably sealed when I realized my father hated the legal profession.

Oh father high in heaven - smile down upon your sonWho's busy with his money games - his women and his gun.

It's something families could do together. They can be passed on from father to son, or father to daughter.

I myself am mixed race - my mother is Korean, and my father is an American Jew - so I've always felt other.

The Church knows nothing of a sacredness of war. The Church which prays'Our Father'asks God only for peace.

No people ever lived by cursing their fathers, however great a curse their fathers might have been to them.

When I was born, my father was a copper miner in Butte, Montana. It was a hard-core, blue-collar situation.

My father required me to honor my father and my mother too much to put up games on them. I did on occasion.

My father really was not the dominant person who raised the family, it was my mother who raised the family.

I still have your pocket watch, my dear father. Like me, it is broken, but stubborn, and still keeps going.

It's hard when your father's the coach. Sometimes you don't know where one leaves off and the other begins.

Just as the child is father to the man, so the impressions of one's youth remain the most vivid in manhood.

For David Parker and Daniel Parker, with the respect and admiration of their father, who grew up with them.

Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.

I didn't hesitate to kiss my father in public. And that's how I tried to raise my children. We're physical.

My parents were extremely reluctant. When my father was clearly dying, my mother refused to acknowledge it.

I am Abhorsen..." He looked at the baby again and added, almost with a note of surprise, "Father of Sabriel

You pray best when the mirror of your soul is empty of every image except the Image of the Invisible Father.

Remember to think of your departed mother always as living, just away in another room of our Father's house.

When I was 6 my father went to fight in the war, so he was my big hero. I thought he was the greatest thing.

My father gave me free run of his library. When I think of my boyhood, I think in terms of the books I read.

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