Every child of Heavenly Father born in the world is given at birth, as a free gift, the Light of Christ.

The most effective guard against delinquency is a father who is at the same time both strict and loving.

I still relate to my father very much. I mean, I talk to him in a certain way, as we do talk to the dead.

Our heavenly Father never takes anything from his children unless he means to give them something better.

He who has made it a practice to lie and deceive his father, will be the most daring in deceiving others.

The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.

The United States is the only advanced economy with no paid parental leave for either mothers or fathers.

Loving fathers give their children boundaries so they won't get hurt and can live with peace and purpose.

Americans are like a rich father who wishes he knew how to give his son the hardships that made him rich.

My son has a big Christmas problem - what do you buy for a father who has everything and you're using it?

Perrin, my father says a general can take care of the living or weep for the dead, but he cannot do both.

It's not convincing to say you are a child of God if you have none of the characteristics of your Father.

Away from the bright motion of the party, she carried her sadness like a dark stone clenched in her palm.

Humility is the mother of all virtues, courage the father, integrity the child and wisdom the grandchild.

My kids are just waiting for me at home. I'm their father. They're wondering, 'When's Daddy coming home?'

Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes.

Father says it will come in time. “Time heals,” he says. I don’t tell him that I don’t know what time is.

It's about a father and daughter and the daughter's friend and her relationship with her current husband.

When we see all women as the divine mother and all men as the divine father, everyone you meet is sacred.

I think a lot of a man's outlook in life - at least mine - is shaped by his relationship with his father.

Christ was Begotten by an immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers.

My mother and father have also raised five boys so they know there's only so much that can be controlled.

My father was a pedant and a bully who cared about nobody, and I was not to see him until I was eighteen.

I am haunted by the ghost of my father, I think that should allow me to quote Hamlet as much as I please.

We gladly put antiquity above our age but not posterity. Only a father doesn't begrudge his son's talent.

[On her father:] ... in losing him I lost my greatest blessing and comfort, for he was always that to me.

If Jesus is here we are going to walk out of this place to live our lives to the glory of God the Father.

My father, being a Scotsman, taught me to look after finances. I'm shrewd. Some people may call me tight.

A lot of the stuff that my father told me not to do, I did it anyway and I ended up learning the hard way.

Inerrancy matters because it honors the Spirit, who wants to honor the Son, who wants to honor the Father.

Everybody in America grew up without a father even if they had one. It was the fifties. They were working.

My father fled Cuba, and I will fight to defend liberty because my family knows what it's like to lose it.

The higher purpose of the cross was that the Father would be glorified by the satisfaction of His justice.

I'm a father of four girls and I know very much about the relationship between a father and his daughters.

There are fathers who do not love their children; there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandson.

It breaks my heart that my father never knew my children. He should have been around for another 25 years.

Mel Gibson's father doesn't think there was a Holocaust? Great. I don't think there's a movie. We're even.

My father rebelled ferociously against his conservative upbringing where his father physically abused him.

My father, who had lost a brother, fighting on the Austrian side in World War I, was a committed pacifist.

My father was never around, and my mother used to worry that the kids wont grow up to be connected to him.

The great lesson my mother and father gave me was almost invisible. It was a strong sense of being rooted.

My father has a pragmatic mind. He marched with Dr King in the 60s, and he's very much for women's rights.

Our fathers were Englishmen which came over this great ocean, and were ready to perish in this wilderness.

There are some men in this world who are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father's one of them.

My father always said working for somebody else never amounted to anything. You have to be an entrepreneur

Babies don't need fathers, but mothers do. Someone who is taking care of a baby needs to be taken care of.

I'm a huge fan of the Navy. My father was a Naval historian, and I've been studying Naval battles forever.

My father and uncles and all their friends turned their lungs black trying to satisfy my collector's zeal.

Every labourer is a father, his labour is his child. Choose your project carefully and achieve it worthily

His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.

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