Polite Conversation Why, everyone one as they like; as the good woman said when she kissed her cow.

My father said, If you want to do acting, you have to be successful, which is a silly thing to say.

God is full of mercy for everyone, as He has been towards you. He is a father before He is a judge.

My father followed, during most of his life, the precarious occupation of a country school teacher.

The Kite Runner is a story of two boys and a father, and the strange love triangle that binds them.

Do you have it on your person?" my father asked. "Jesus" I replied. "My person has it in her purse.

The child is father of the man: And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.

My father is a guy who will fight and he will fight for America and he's always fought for himself.

That there were other worlds, invisible, unknown, beyond imagination even, was a revelation to him.

In fact, Parkinson's has made me a better person. A better husband, father and overall human being.

All of my decisions I made when I was a kid were decisions, would my mother and father be proud of.

There is no safer place for your hopes and dreams than in the loving hands of your faithful Father.

My father was a soccer player. All my friends played basketball though, so I stuck with basketball.

Remember there is no way you can give the father custody of the children without getting a divorce.

For years I thought my father was a hunchback. Turns out he didn't know suspenders were adjustable.

I told my father I had to try political science for a year. He thought I was throwing my life away.

My father has taught me all the tricks of the boys at an early age, which has made me very careful.

I had a great family. My father was in the Air Force, so we were always disciplined, goal oriented.

I used to think my father was an idiot, until I turned twenty-one... Then I thought he was a genus.

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same. And I still remember how you kept me so afraid.

My father, the political dissident Jaballa Matar, disappeared from his home in Cairo in March 1990.

My father was in the Army and we moved around a lot, and one of my favorite places was the library.

What you have inherited from your fathers, earn over again for yourselves, or it will not be yours.

This caste system had grown by the practice of the son always following the business of the father.

The director, of course, was Bob Fosse. But again, I worked with my father to prepare for the role.

My father believed in toughness, honesty, politeness and being on time. All very important lessons.

Jesus did not have human blood: He was born of the virgin Mary with the divine blood of His Father.

One of my earliest memories is of my father carrying me in one arm with a picket sign in the other.

Heavenly Father has a picture of you on His dresser. He loves you and will help you. Call upon Him.

I gave my jersey to Mourinho because he’s the best coach in the world and I love him like a father.

Mama seemed to do only what my father wanted, and yet we lived the way my mother wanted us to live.

My father was a lawyer and to my best knowledge nobody in my family before had interest in science.

Younger kids, they understand that things aren't so perfect with their father or with their mother.

I get whatever placidity I have from my father. But my mother taught me how to take it on the chin.

God afflicts with the mind of a father, and kills for no other purpose but that he may raise again.

I should’ve known the day was going to turn out bad when it started with my father trying to kill me

The kind uncles and aunts of the race are more esteemed than its true spiritual fathers and mothers.

When your father directed your mother in 'Orpheus Descending,' the kid's going to be a theater nerd.

Thou O Lord, art my Father and Thou my Mother. Thou art the Giver of peace to my soul and very life.

My father's example taught me self-reliance, to make my own luck, and to work to make things happen.

My mother was passionate. She was stubborn, the dominant one in the family. She dominated my father.

You dare to stand with my enemy? (Stryker) Against you, Father, I’d stand with Mickey Mouse. (Urian)

I have a lot of anger about my childhood - being hard of hearing and my relationship with my father.

I think that's a bit unfair. I'm a father with a 2-year-old child and I feel pretty young, actually.

Our father taught us such a work ethic that if there's something worth doing, it's worth doing well.

Beware of feelings, Father. They are the biggest liars in us. They make truth what we want it to be.

After the break up of the municipality and the loss of his income my father lost health and spirits.

My father told me once that the most important thing every man should know is what he would die for.

Father, look upon us in Your goodness and kindness, we pray as a church. Help us to love each other.

But my mother loved The Elephant Man, and my father gave David Lynch a scholarship to study in Rome.

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