Our first relationship with a male is with our fathers. It affects how we relate to men forever.

Your secret yearnings and tearful pleadings will touch the heart of both the Father and the Son.

To my father, who told me the stories that matter. To my mother, who taught me to remember them.

I like pretty conservative guys, good guys. I always look for the qualities I find in my father.

I have lived: tomorrow the Father may fill the sky with black clouds or with cloudless sunshine.

Certain is it that there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter.

Once I started to get older, my father would say, 'You look more like George Harrison than I do'

The Founding Fathers would be sorry to see that America had become so divided and factionalized.

Do I look like a sex-symbol or a pin-up boy? It's just that my father presented me like a dream.

As the father of six children, I know very well the challenges technology poses to our families.

What is a Christian? The richest answer I know is that a Christian is one who has God as Father.

New rules. If you are smart enough to live, you won’t hit Charles’s mate in front of his father.

My father was funnier than me. My father was Richard Pryor-funny. I'm just a better businessman.

It never entered my father's mind nor my mind ever to do a job other than at one's best ability.

The most assiduous task of parenting is to divine the difference between boundaries and bondage.

Coercion by government, the main fear of our founding fathers, is now its most common attribute.

People ask me all the time, "What kind of father are you?" I won't know until my kids are grown.

I never tried to emulate my father. Anyone trying to do that would be a second-rate carbon copy.

For my father there was no sharper way to understand a country than by listening to its stories.

People are born with certain faces, like my father was born with a face that people want to hit.

I like the Beatles. They're at the core of my musicality. And John Lennon's my spiritual father.

I have that memory of dancing on my father's feet to all the music my parents used to listen to.

My father said to remember your enemies as well as your friends, and don't trust either of them.

There's really no point in having children if you're not going to be home enough to father them.

I have the best husband a wife could possibly have. He's the best father my children could have.

Some knowledge is too heavy...you cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are able.

This view of the text comports with the all but unanimous understanding of the Founding Fathers.

My father turned my life around insisting I be more than I was and by believing I could be more.

I don't know whether there is anyone else at all who remembers my noble father with such sadness

Skin cancer became personal to my family when my father was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma.

My father instilled in me to take care of my family. Show up even when you don't want to show up.

Above all, never lose faith in your Father in Heaven, who loves you more than you can comprehend.

Im told Im like my father, and he was the most wonderful man. But I think he was gentler than me.

Be able to confide your innermost secrets to your mother and your innermost fears to your father.

Yes here's to the founding fathers - slave-owners, British citizens who didn't want to pay taxes.

My dear father! When I remember him, it is always with his arms open wide to love and comfort me.

I would never have done what I'd done if I'd considered my father as somebody I wanted to please.

My mother and my father went to the cinema for the first time when I made my first movie in 1978.

My father came back one day and forced my mother to submit to him. He raped her, holding a knife.

The Godhead consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a material being.

This is and has been the Father's work from the beginning-to bring us into the home of His heart.

I still remember the day my father took me to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books for the first time.

I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father's life.

Glory to that Homer of painting, to that father of warmth and enthusiasm... he really paints men.

My father was very much a handy person round the house, and I learnt a lot of carpentry from him.

Sometimes the father feels pushed out because of the connection between the mother and the child.

My father hated radio and could not wait for television to be invented so he could hate that too.

My father bought me a little cardboard accordion, and when I was three I got this little machine.

Almost all the fathers of socialism were members of the upper middle class or of the professions.

My father used to sing to me in my mother's womb. I think I can name about any tune in two beats.

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