When I was a boy I was my father.

I've been a long-distance father.

My father was a man of few words.

See! This our fathers did for us.

A mother's pride, a father's joy.

Our fathers never leave us. Ever.

Being a father is just wonderful.

I'm the father of four daughters.

Doubt is the father of invention.

My father was one of ten children.

War is the father and king of all.

Fathers should make you feel safe.

Moses is our true founding father.

[My father] was not a musical man.

My father was a very difficult man.

I'm always going to love my father.

My father was very big on marriage.

My father was an extraordinary man.

Ignorance is the father of all fear.

Tell my father I wish to be his son.

Father-Mother is the name for Deity.

Postponement: The father of failure.

What do I owe my father? Everything!

The pain I felt was my father's pain.

Who doesn't desire his fathers death?

The wisest man may be a blind father.

Repetition is the father of learning.

Let me go to the house of the Father.

My father was a huge influence on me.

A family needs a father to anchor it.

My father was not a political animal.

Work is often the father of pleasure.

My father was in the First World War.

Fame is rot; daughters are the thing.

My best training came from my father.

A father is a thousand schoolmasters.

The past is the father of the present.

To you your father should be as a god.

A father is a man who fails every day.

Pure energy is the father of creation.

My father did advertising photography.

My father told me, never have partners.

Grief, it seemed, was a physical place.

I know my father can make a difference.

All surfeit is the father of much fast.

I was inbred into the game by my father

My father was very outwardly religious.

A child's cry touches a father's heart.

My father started me singing in church.

It's hard to kill that father-son bond.

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