I hope I can be as good of a father to my son as my dad was to me.

My father was the most rational and the most dispassionate of men.

Nobody ever says to men, how can you be a Congressman and a father.

What you have to understand, is your father was your model for God.

As always, victory finds a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan.

In my family, Father is the world champion at ending conversations.

It means everything. Making my father happy, that's my biggest joy.

Children deserve to be reared in a home with a father and a mother.

The thing that drives me more than anything else is being a father.

My parents were divorced and I would spend weekends with my father.

He's by best friend and the father of my children. He's a great ex.

Whatsoever was the father of a disease, an ill diet was the mother.

It behooves a father to be blameless if he expects his child to be.

The only engine big enough to impact Mother Nature is Father Greed.

My father was a minister and so rock music was banned in our house.

Prayer endows us with the power to draw near to our Eternal Father.

I've really had two heroes in my life. My father and Ronald Reagan.

Love your mother, she bore you. Love your father, he works for you.

Well, I was about six or seven, and my mother and father separated.

I have derived enormous confidence from being a husband and father.

No, my father passed away when I was 13 years old. I was very young.

Baseball is sunshine, green grass, fathers and sons, our rural past.

My father wasn't really involved and my mom is the light in my life.

My father told me very early on that it was a sin to worry too much.

My father wouldn't get us a TV, he wouldn't allow a TV in the house.

Father, O father! what do we here In this land of unbelief and fear?

Most American children suffer too much mother and too little father.

No good work is done anywhere without aid from the Father of Lights.

A righteous father protects his children with his time and presence.

My father used to beat me with his belt...while it was still on him.

My father showed me so much love. He showed my brother so much love.

My mother groaned, my father wept, into the dangerous world I leapt.

The imprint of the father, remains forever on the life of the child.

My father was right. Unfortunately, he died before I could tell him.

I was encouraged by my mother and, to a lesser extent, by my father.

I grew up with my father, so I know more about cars than most women.

I'm so proud of who I am and where I come from and who my father is.

My father was an amateur filmmaker who shot 8mm color documentaries.

Every dad is the family role model, whether he wants the job or not.

In Kabul, hot running water had been like fathers, a rare commodity.

My father is a practicing criminal law attorney in the Seattle area.

My father always said, 'The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.'

I have students whose fathers are voting for Sarah Palin. It's wild.

My father was the first to see through the schemes of the white man.

My father taught me that losing your temper is a self-indulgent act.

What father ever gave up his son to death for the sake of his slave!

I will not say anything about my father. Period. I don't have a dad.

A father doesn't say, 'Don't go that way.' He says, 'ome follow me.'

I think I'm a good father, but that's taken a lifetime of experience.

If my father had hugged me even once, I'd be an accountant right now.

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