He was a combat veteran from Korea, and he was a great father.

Somewhere, sometime I'd stopped expecting my father to father.

I owe a lot to my parents, especially by mother and my father.

My father was a classical musician and my mother was a writer.

My father taught me that you have to stand by your principles.

My father? I never knew him. Never even seen a picture of him.

I didn't know my father very well; I only met him a few times.

When a father is quick to lose his tempre, his sons are fools.

The heart set to do the Father's will, need never fear defeat.

I saw my father as a man, and not, as a man who was my father.

Being a husband is for me as big a priority as being a father.

I came from a divorced mother and father, obviously mixed race.

I was always looking for the same man - a strong father figure.

There was no place at all for me in my father's military world.

I idolize my father. I mean, he has worked so hard in his life.

I am a much better father and husband than I ever was a sniper.

A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.

Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy.

My father's a preacher, my mother's a teacher, thus... I rhyme.

My father kept his distance from working-class American blacks.

I can't say I had an ideal father, and I'm not a father myself.

I was always nervous to play my father's [John Lennon's] songs.

A father's a treasure; a brother's a comfort; a friend is both.

Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes.

Nothing worse than reading a love scene written by your father.

I want to trace my father, could you suggest a good marker pen?

My father's a protector. My father's old-school. He's a cowboy.

The time not to become a father is eighteen years before a war.

It's not easy being a father, but I've been allowed a comeback.

Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith and go forward.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!

Baptism is bowing before the Father and letting him do his work.

I was punished for blowing the whistle on my father's lifestyle.

I'm lucky to have had a father [John Lennon] who paid attention.

My father was in the ad business, and he wanted to be a painter.

If Blake said that, said Father Brian, he never lived in Dublin.

I'm not a goody-two-shoes. I'm just a father with four children.

I never talked about architecture with my father, which I regret

If I succeed in business but fail as a father, then I've failed.

Just because the kid's cute, doesn't mean you're not the father.

I was lucky enough to have a loving present father in my family.

But I like to be thought of as a good father and a good husband.

My father said that a silent person is trying to hide something.

You can only be a good father in relationship to your childhood.

If God is thy father, human beings are thy brothers and sisters.

My father would pass gas and then blame it on imaginary animals.

If my father was the head of our house, my mother was its heart.

If any Question why We Died Tell them because our Father's Lied.

Dad, because you are my father it's been easy to believe in God.

For me, I learned from my father that when it's over, it's over.

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