What humans do over the next 50 years will determine the fate of all life on the planet.

Whoever yields properly to Fate, is deemed Wise among men, and knows the laws of heaven.

What fates impose, that men must needs abide; it boots not to resist both wind and tide.

To make a fortune some assistance from fate is essential. Ability alone is insufficient.

It’s up to you, not fate. True. But it was also up to Lily. That was the trickiest part.

Fate,Time,Occasion,Chance, and Change? To these All things are subject but eternal love.

Not all or even most suffering is at the hands of fate; it befalls us at our invitation.

The fate of the vast majority of species on this planet has been extinction, eventually.

The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.

It's crap that you're letting on bad year determine your fate for the rest of your life.

Such is our pride, our folly, or our fate, That few, but such as cannot write, translate.

The hands of Fate keep time on a heart-shaped watch." - Harkat Mulds(The Trials of Death)

Language is just a communication tool; it is the content that decides the fate of a film.

Your destiny is in your hands. Creating the life you want is only, and always, up to you.

To die for one's country is such a worthy fate that all compete for so beautiful a death.

Sacrifice of live, sacrifice for love. Fate is gentle and harsh; she gives and she takes.

We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.

This day's black fate on more days doth depend; This but begins the woe, others must end.

The handsome gifts that fate and nature lend us Most often are the very ones that end us.

To have loved, to have been made happy thus, / What better fate has life in store for us?

To say, my fate is not tied to your fate, is like saying your end of the boat is sinking.

Be the exceptional being who separates themselves from the herd and the fate of the herd.

It is my fate to be considered an authority, since I spent my youth rebelling against it.

It's the niceties that make the difference fate gives us the hand, and we play the cards.

We did not flinch but gave our lives to save Greece when her fate hung on a razor's edge.

For those whom God to ruin has design'd, He fits for fate, and first destroys their mind.

Destiny has a lot to do with it, but so do you. You have to persevere, you have to insist.

My whole life has been decided by fate. I've never planned anything that's happened to me.

After all, tragedy didn't discriminate, so everyone was subject to the same whims of fate.

God, I'm a girl with a cursed fate. I've fallen in love with a boy and I want to be happy.

Redeemers always reach the world too late. God dies, we live; God lives, we die. Our fate.

History is filled with brilliant people who wanted to fix things and just made them worse.

I know that I'm here - I believe that I'm here for a purpose. I believe in forces of fate.

A God without dominion, providence, and final causes, is nothing else but fate and nature.

The Fate of good men who refuse to become involved in politics is to be ruled by evil men.

Whenever I refused to follow my fate, something very hard to bear would happen in my life.

It is the customary fate of new truths, to begin as heresies, and to end as superstitions.

People can't do much about the fate part, but we can certainly do a lot about the man part.

Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined.

Education which is not modern share the fate of all organic things which are kept too long.

Fate, or some mysterious force, can put the finger on you or me, for no good reason at all.

An income means life to wretched mortals, but it is a terrible fate to die among the waves.

Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate, Love sells the proud heart's citadel to fate.

The fate of a nation has often depended upon the good or bad digestion of a prime minister.

Before the cards that one is dealt by life are the cards that fate has dealt: one's family.

The fate of the paranormal is to become the normal as our horizons of understanding expand.

Without a doubt. I believe in fate the same way others believe in God. I do believe in fate.

Don’t believe in the fate society chose for you. Instead, carve out a new fate for yourself.

Even-handed fate Hath but one law for small and great: That ample urn holds all men's names.

It would be the irony of fate if my administration had to deal chiefly with foreign affairs.

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