Fastidious taste makes enjoyment a struggle.

The fastidious are unfortunate; nothing satisfies them.

Flatter me, but delicately, please, for I am fastidious.

I'm just a slow writer. I'm picky and careful and fastidious.

It is not only a troublesome but slavish to be nice [fastidious].

A fastidious taste is best indoors, away from nature and the city.

I'm a fastidious sort of fellow, fond of watermelon and buckbrush nuts.

With three kids you are just trying to survive. You can't be fastidious.

A pretty wife is something for the fastidious vanity of a roue to retire upon.

Discriminate, discriminate, and again discriminate! Be fastidious. Choose. Select.

I tend to be slightly fastidious in the company I keep. As a woman, you almost need to be.

Fastidious attention to detail makes the difference between an OK service and first class service.

I'm terribly fastidious. I like symmetry and neatness, but my house is as chaotic as any other family's.

There is one thing that matters, to set a chime of words tinkling in the minds of a few fastidious people.

The fastidious are unfortunate: nothing can satisfy them. [Lat., Les delicats sont malheureux, Rien ne saurait les satisfaire.]

I found for me that my safe place was work. I could control my environment. I became very fastidious and detailed, and wanted things a certain way.

My mother was a fastidious and orderly homemaker. I was the messy but creative type. I picture her following behind me through life with a damp rag and an air of exasperation.

My reputation for writing quickly and effortlessly notwithstanding, I am strongly in favor of intelligent, even fastidious revision, which is, or certainly should be, an art in itself.

Before achieving a dream, you need to make very little steps... People don't understand that when you want to make a big dream you have a lot of fastidious little things you have to do.

Now I'm on television, I'm far more conscious of my skin than I used to be - I would often leave the theatre with layers of pancake make-up still on my face, but on a medium such as TV, I have to be more fastidious.

I think it's important to keep things private, and there are certain boundaries I feel very particular about drawing. It may seem fastidious, but my experience of talking to the press is that I need those boundaries to remain very clear.

But when, in the first setting out, he takes it for granted without proof, that distinctions found in the structure of all languages, have no foundation in nature; this surely is too fastidious a way of treating the common sense of mankind.

Sometimes, people who are very fastidious about what they're going to do in their work are not very fastidious in their private life. I'm like that. I love it when people do really nice things around me, but I don't have time to do it for myself. It's very hard for me to even buy a new pair of trousers.

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