Talent is the lifeblood of a fast-growing company.

We were a fast-growing company, and I was a demanding boss.

We have the right assets for a fast-growing digital business.

Building fast-growing, globally competitive companies is tough.

Mobile is an incredibly fast-growing market and will continue to be.

I've tended to work at fast-growing companies that improve the way business gets done.

Culture is the glue that really binds, especially in cities with fast-growing populations.

The market is fast-moving, fast-growing. Things that are true today may not be true tomorrow.

Keeping the balance of fast-growing and smooth-growing is always important. It's almost an art.

In the simplest terms, a fast-growing company can't keep growing at the same fast rate forever. It eventually has to slow down.

UTC is very well positioned to take advantage of 2 large megatrends: urbanization and the fast-growing commercial aerospace market.

We all know that the earlier cancer is detected the more successful treatment will be, and my cancer had spread to my ribs and that was a very fast-growing cancer.

To balance China, the democracies will need new friends - and India with its fast-growing economy, youthful population, and democratic politics seems the obvious candidate.

Supplements are popular. They're good. They're a fast-growing market. I use it to fund the operation. Other revolutionaries rob banks and kidnap people, O.K.? I don't do that.

I am honored to join the Under Armour Board, and look forward to seeing how a founder and CEO operates a dynamic and fast-growing company known for innovation and its competitive edge.

For example, in my own State of Arizona, an Israeli scientist is working with an Arizona company on a demonstration project involving a very fast-growing algae which can be used to power a biomass energy plan.

I am pleased with the response of investors towards Philips Lighting and the successful pricing of the I.P.O. This strategic milestone will allow Royal Philips to focus on the fast-growing health technology market.

We tend to think of human trafficking as a foreign issue, not something that could happen here in our own back yards. But it's a fast-growing problem in the United States, in every area, with no real defined demographic.

It's a great honor to be an Under Armour All-American and to follow in the fast-growing tradition of this game. It's a great opportunity to spend the New Year in Florida, which is going to be a little warmer than Buffalo.

The acquisition of Vettery accelerates the development of the Adecco Group's digital strategy, broadening our offering into the fast-growing digital permanent recruitment market and complementing our professional recruitment businesses.

We need to make sure that the fast-growing States and the balance of States in this country have as much information as available because I cannot imagine the pain as a parent myself of having my child molested by someone in our schools.

I don't have an office. I sit in a cubicle with everybody else. That's partly so no one can ask for an office, which in a fast-growing company isn't practical. But it's also so I can keep my finger on the pulse of how people are feeling.

Not only are most of our citizens fathomlessly ignorant of the glories of American literature, a fast-growing percentage of our students are no longer taught much about any works of American art, be they novels, paintings, symphonies or ballets.

Any established media, such as literature, music, or film, offers a wide variety of experiences touching emotions from the very primal to the deeply complex. No matter who the audience are or what kind of mood they are in, there will always be something right for them. Video games, as a fast-growing new medium, is on its way to catching up.

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