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Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he hadn't had an audience, and lines to speak?
I used to read voraciously while in school and cinema was always a fascination. Law was the safe backup plan.
My grandpa was a geologist, and I always had this fascination with not only earth sciences but ancient history.
If life were eternal, all interest and anticipation would vanish. It is uncertainty which lends it fascination.
We cannot resist the fascination of sacrifice, since a passion for sacrifices is part of a Chessplayer's nature
Be alive! See what you want! DO NOT lose your fascination! What you're fascinated with becomes fastened to you!
I read about writers' lives with the fascination of one slowing down to get a good look at an automobile accident.
Perhaps arising from a fascination with animals, biology seemed the most interesting of sciences to me as a child.
I think everyone has some fascination with what's outside our existence. It's a constant journey to find the truth.
He did say I fascinated him, but he really should have clarified to me that I was just the fascination for the day.
The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.
I have this fascination with being on the road, all things music, and the '70s. My favorite movie is 'Almost Famous.'
Freedom always deals with 'the possible'; this gives freedom its great flexibility, its fascination, and its dangers.
It's interesting to see the world's fascination with a troubled artist. The artists sure wouldn't share their enthusiasm.
I think fantasy thrillers excite audiences as, inherently, people have a fascination for the unknown and the unexplained.
Despite the sometimes sordid turns his life took, Michael Jackson always held my fascination, like he did for most of us.
I have such a respect and fascination for dance. I can be light as air or stay grounded. Dance is really another universe.
[I] grew up as a disciple of science. I know its fascination. I have felt the godlike power man derives from his machines.
Do not let any sweet-talking woman beguile your good sense with the fascinations of her shape. It's your barn she's after.
I moved to Charlotte at a young age, and despite how much I like Charlotte, I've always had a fascination with my hometown.
The study of maps and the perusal of travel books aroused in me a secret fascination that was at times almost irresistible.
When I was very little my mother would read to me in bed. She gave me a fascination for stories, and for the music in words.
We're all interested in life outside of Earth. We all have a fascination with what's out there because we don't really know.
There’s a level at which words are spirit and paper is skin. That’s the fascination of archives. There’s still a bodily trace.
My fascination is not for cinema; it's for human nature and human beings because I find it quite difficult being one at times.
I have this morbid fascination with being completely alienated from everybody, and a lot of the time I really do feel that way.
Swisha House presented this vibe of candy-painted cars and big chains. I always had a fascination for flashy, expensive things.
I have a fascination with Flight 93. My emotions are mixed: awe, gratitude, fear, heartache, pride - even, in some ways, guilt.
I had wanted to be a dentist, but ended up being a chef. I think I've always had a fascination for jobs that have white jackets.
For me, part of the fascination with making animation is you go to a place; it's a complete immersion in someone else's fantasy.
I don't know that I have a fascination with witches per se - well, maybe I just have a fascination with everything that's weird.
The poorest people are so incredibly poor, and the rich are so incredibly rich on the other side. That is a kind of fascination.
I also have this kind of fascination with Don Quixote, kind of like wanting something you're not going to get. I like that a lot.
Death is present every day in our lives. It's not that I take pleasure in the morbid fascination of it, but it is a fact of life.
The fascination to go into space has existed for hundreds of years. But as we do things and they're successful, people get bored.
People like scary stories. There's a fascination with fear themes, and we want to face those things in a weird, subconscious way.
There's a lot of Google fascination out there and we share it, and we're going to compete, we're going to compete very, very hard.
Fascination is one step beyond interest. Interested people want to know if it works. Fascinated people want to learn how it works.
Women were also urged to work on a mysterious quality called 'fascination.' Coming of age in the 1920's was a competitive business.
This fascination with computer models is something I understand very well. Richard Feynmann called it a disease. I fear he is right.
The fascination of what's difficult Has dried the sap out of my veins, and rent Spontaneous joy and natural content Out of my heart.
I do find a certain fascination with the unpredictable. The transitory years we wade through are what they are- what we make of them.
My fascination has been the space between cloth and the body, and using a two-dimensional element to clothe a three-dimensional form.
A liberally educated person meets new ideas with curiosity and fascination. An illiberally educated person meets new ideas with fear.
For most of my life, I, like many Americans, had greeted the idea of an arranged marriage with a mixture of fascination and skepticism.
The destruction that barbarians leave behind has a grim fascination, doesn't it? We're reminded how thin is the veneer of civilization.
A modern fascination with the fantastic seems to come along every couple of generations, usually at a point when we're future saturated.
It was this fascination with hidden lives, I suspect, that led me to journalism; seeking to uncover the truth about people became a job.
No single imagination is wild or crass or cheesy enough to compete with the collective mindlessness that propels our fascination forward.
As long as war is regarded as wicked, it will always have its fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.