It's feast or famine in showbiz.

Famine is a consequence of poverty.

They that die by famine die by inches.

We can solve world peace and world famine.

Conflict and callous politics drive famine.

Feast or famine. My plate is suddenly full.

We have ended hunger, but now we have to end famine.

Unbelief starves the soul; faith finds food in famine.

We eat up artists like there's going to be a famine at the end.

You can't brace yourself for famine if you've never known hunger.

There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be.

Orissa is cursed by the two tragic extremes of drought and famine.

A person who steals bread during a famine is not treated as a thief.

[N]o democracy with a free press has ever experienced a major famine.

Being a singer, it's feast or famine. You have to hit it when it's hot.

Death Grinn'd horrible a ghastly smile, to hear His famine should be fill'd.

Most people only see Africa in terms of poverty and war, famine and disease.

There may be an evolutionary advantage for schizophrenia genes during famine.

Writing or talking about famine and the world's response to it is not very easy.

From the mid-1970s, I also started work on the causation and prevention of famines.

There is a famine in America. Not a famine of food, but of love, of truth, of life.

If we don't take the necessary measures, famine will be the scandal of this century.

In Bollywood, it's always feast or famine for an actress. That's the way of the game.

Sweden endured a potato famine like in Ireland and loads of people emigrated to the US.

The long-term solution in preventing another famine in Somalia is to promote self-reliance.

When you're both actors, it is feast or famine financially and emotionally in your marriage.

So that a famine price is vague, and the plan subject to all the inconvenience now experienced.

When you ask people what they think of Africa, they think of AIDS, genocide, disasters, famine.

I had seen people who had lost everything and everyone they loved to war, famine, and natural disasters.

Last year, at the beginning of the year, we couldn't get arrested, so I'll take this. Feast versus famine.

There are many different ways of categorizing news. It doesn't have to be just war and famine and serious politics.

Progress to reduce hunger is being made by tackling both the cause and the consequences of extreme poverty and famine.

While no famine has ever taken place in a democracy, they're the rule rather than the exception in socialist countries.

Drag queens are extremely innovative and, I mean, we will persist through plague, famine, war or pandemic. We will prevail.

Sports is such a cyclical thing; it's often feast or famine. But what you try and do as an owner is build a winning organization.

Years of drought and famine come and years of flood and famine come, and the climate is not changed with dance, libation or prayer.

The war years were the most difficult time of my life. There was real famine in Moscow. The water froze inside the houses. There was no heat.

Every one knew he could foretell wars and famines, though that was not so hard, for there was always a war, and generally a famine somewhere.

If the Kennedys had been barred from entering America after fleeing Ireland during the famine, my grandfather never would have been president.

We as politicians have to understand that the greatest threats to our security are no longer conventional military ones. You cannot nuke a famine.

With the dreary season in which we travelled part of the route; with our minds much more actively employed in forming resources for our preservation from famine.

They can rule the world while they can persuade us our pain belongs in some order is death by famine worse than death by suicide, than a life of famine and suicide?

While I was writing Wild Swans I thought the famine was the result of economic mismanagement but during the research I realised that it was something more sinister.

In very deed, pestilence, and famine, and wars, and earthquakes have to be regarded as a remedy for nations, as the means of pruning the luxuriance of the human race.

The real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine, but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse and turbulent character of the people.

Americans are blessed with great plenty; we are a generous people and we have a moral obligation to assist those who are suffering from poverty, disease, war and famine.

There is a type of snobbish, pompous journalist who thinks that the only news that has any validity is war, famine, pestilence or politics. I don't come from that school.

There are the manufacturing multitudes of England; they must have work, and find markets for their work; if machines and the Black Country are ugly, famine would be uglier still.

A huge famine hit North Korea in the mid-1990s. Ultimately, more than a million North Koreans died during the famine, and many only survived by eating grass, bugs, and tree bark.

You know the way it is: sometimes Americans think of us as their backward little cousin. It's the whole shamrock, potatoes, famine, leprechaun thing, all that drunken paddies rubbish.

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