I've got a good family to support me, so I'm grounded in that way.

My family's always there for me in the good times and the bad times.

My family is very good about visiting me, and other friends as well.

I'm a good girl, and I have a very good Jewish family who brought me up very well.

I think my family does a good job of letting me be a regular teenager, which we all need.

Alex Iwobi has told me to stay grounded. I've got a really good family that helps me as well.

I've got a good backing behind me with my management team, and my family are all down to earth.

I have a tremendous staff around me. It's a really good family vibe in terms of our environment.

My family brainwashed me, like I'm brainwashing my children. They brainwashed me with good taste.

My husband does say it is Australia's job and my family's job to keep me grounded. They do a very good job!

I think my feet were on the ground, and I had good family around me. It comes down to who you are and your upbringing.

It's equally as important to me to be a good friend and a good sister and a good daughter. I'm very close with my family and friends.

Milan are like my family; I have done some good and some less good things during my career, but the club have always helped me so much.

I can see how you could get dragged into the bad stuff, but I've got good friends around me, good family. I think I've got my head screwed on.

I grew up in a family that played golf, and my brother was much better than me, so I kind of put that aside. I had to be good at something other than golf.

The problem with me, as far as getting married and having a family, is that my comedy is so important to me. So I don't know if I'll ever be as good a dad as my dad.

'I Know You Care' is really personal and fragile for me. For me, it's about losing a family member and also about a breakup. It's about this idea of losing someone for good.

The 'Family Ties' role was the first of many gay roles that I've ended up playing. I remember that I made them laugh, and it made me feel good, 'cause it really cracked them up.

It's really good to have so distinctive a name as an actress. No one ever forgets it. My sister and brother are called Perdita and Rollo. Actually, my family calls me 'Hollyhocks.'

I was constantly trying to make my family laugh and my parents laugh. It's just something that always felt natural to me. And then I learned how to use my powers for good in high school.

I didn't have any of those good assets to have successful teenage years. It was hard. And what saved me was definitely my whole family. I knew where I was coming from and where I was going to.

I was a good soldier in the British Army. I was born in a very, very poor family. And I enlisted to escape hunger. But my officers were Scottish and they loved me. The Scots are good, you know.

I enjoyed playing for the national team, the French national team, because I think France gave me a lot and gave my family a lot, so to wear the French national team shirt was really good, and I wore it with pride.

You gotta understand, there are two different kinds of Asians - the kind who are good at school, obey their parents, go to college - that kind of stuff. And then you have my family - me, my brother, all of my cousins - we're just wretched people.

I was so dedicated to generating income to keep my family housed and clothed and schooled. That mattered to me. And playing good golf mattered to me. The rest of the things, like how my record stacked up against others, never made that much difference.

The kids like to get pictures of me for their parents. They know how proud I am of them-they have a lot more to worry about than my stardom. They are trying to make good choices for their own lives, but this gives them a little fun. They are part of my family.

I literally have over a thousand emails in my inbox that need to be returned. I'm sure all of my friends and certain family members are like, 'Oh, look who got nominated for an Emmy and doesn't want to write me an email back!' I need a good few hours to just sit and get on the phone.

I grew up in this room filled with musical instruments, but most importantly, I had a family who encouraged me to invest in my own imagination, and so things I created, things I built were good things to be building just because I was making them, and I think that's such an important idea.

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