No doubt about it, country is a much more family-friendly business than pop.

I've made out more this season on a family-friendly show than ever in my actual life.

I'd set out to Oman in search of luxury with culture and family-friendly adventure thrown in. And I found it.

The U.S. may be behind on family-friendly benefits, but I see it's changing, because we're all facing a talent war.

The content I create reflects my personality: goofy, fun, positive, a bit clumsy, family-friendly, educational and helpful.

I'd always done family-friendly stuff. I wanted to do a film where I could show my darker side and make people uncomfortable.

It's an honor to support such a worthy program. TURF aims to protect the integrity of tailgating and to keep game day family-friendly.

There's nothing more Broadway than 'Hedwig.' It's very family-friendly. There's innuendo and stuff, but not more than you'd see on TV.

As with any social platform, there will always be trolls, but HQ Trivia has guidelines in place to ensure the chat vibes remain chill and family-friendly.

'Job Killer.' Those are the two words you are most likely to hear uttered by most American CEOs when confronted with proposals to enact family-friendly work policies.

More and more companies are updating their leave policies to reflect an understanding that being family-friendly is a smart investment in their workforce and America's future.

It's very interesting to observe how highly the Bundesliga is spoken of abroad, from the overall quality to the stadiums, the family-friendly atmosphere, and the football itself.

Avon is a unique place to work; we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company; 46 percent of our officers are women.

We should seriously rethink a tax code that makes it less and less possible for one parent to stay home with the kids and replace it with a family-friendly system of tax collection.

Dismissing socialization and gender roles as piddling compared to this amorphous idea of 'maternal imperative' is part of the reason progress is stalled for family-friendly policies.

Publishing parental pay benefits will let employers show that they're family-friendly and enable them to better attract talent, potentially spurring on some very healthy competition.

Running on the cloud gives us scale. It also allows us to moderate, watch the chat, keep Roblox family-friendly and safe, and it allows just everyone to kind of push their creations and immediately scale infinitely.

The whole idea of the suburbs was to create these family-friendly places where people could flock and have more control over their existences, and keep things very controlled and placid and keep outside forces at bay.

I will only do family-friendly films or television. They don't have to necessarily be Christian films, but I want to be in things that I'm comfortable having my children and husband watch. They come first in my life, not the film industry.

The real gender inequality in marriage stems from the tendency to regard women as the default parent, the one who, in the absence of family-friendly work policies, is expected to adjust her paid work to shoulder the brunt of domestic responsibilities.

I've definitely taken more family-friendly roles. Honestly, sometimes the edgier acting roles are not age-appropriate for kids but I have taken more projects that I feel have a great message or my kids can watch because of their age and that were just plain fun.

Being a professional chess player is not very family-friendly and I am away quite often playing tournaments, sometimes for 12 days at a time. I catch up with Gusztav every day on Skype and email but even though I miss them, I don't make a point of ringing the children every night.

Being a harsh, dirty comic, the last person on earth I ever expected to help my career was Jay Leno. I had always thought of performing on 'The Tonight Show' as an unachievable goal, because I bought into the myth that only squeaky clean, family-friendly material would be welcome there.

I think that what will help women get into positions of power - well, day nurseries, equal pay, family-friendly working hours. And I think all that's important. I used to think it was the solution. I now think it's enabling, and it's important, but still we have got head work to do about this.

Everyone has embraced the family-friendly Disney approach, which is great. I see all of those movies, and I take my kids. But I grew up on 'Predator,' 'Alien,' and 'Terminator.' People forget, but those were R-rated movies. So 'Deadpool' put its money where its mouth is, and it changed the game.

The strategy we need to pursue is one of recovering our time - to push back on our hours of work. We need to form a new alliance between feminist groups, labor unions, child advocates, progressive corporations, and the federal government insofar as it's willing to pursue a family-friendly agenda.

One reason the United States is one of three countries in the world that do not have any form of paid maternity leave is that many American business leaders, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, oppose any family-friendly policies. They scare people into thinking maternity leave will be a job killer.

A lot of the stuff about white-supremacist groups was very family-friendly: 'We just love our people.' One the surface, you go, 'Gee, what's wrong with loving your people?' But when you love your people to the exclusion of everything else that's remotely different, that's when you get into trouble.

It was a weird reaction to 'Batman Returns,' because half the people thought it was lighter than the first one, and half the people thought it was darker. I think the studio just thought it was too weird - they wanted to go with something more child- or family-friendly. In other words, they didn't want me to do another one.

I have a supportive family and an outstanding team, but I also have a flexible work schedule that allows me, at least some of the time, to get to the kids' school program or the doctor visits when I need to. So family-friendly work schedules have become more of a passion of mine, and the cost of childcare is also a huge issue.

No work-family balance will ever fully take hold if the social conditions that might make it possible - men who are willing to share parenting and housework, communities that value work in the home as highly as work on the job, and policymakers and elected officials who are prepared to demand family-friendly reforms - remain out of reach.

Big band music, to me, it really has three key elements. First is the lyrics are really sweet, and they're just really family-friendly. The second thing is the music is jazz music, so the music is complicated enough to hold your attention for 5 or 6 million plays. That makes the songs interesting. The last part is the fact that it's danceable.

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