My family and friends and teammates, just having their support has been unbelievable.

Surfing the web often comes at the cost of face-to-face time with friends and family.

I grew up playing music and enjoying good food, friends and family in my own backyard.

I have such a beautiful, strong family and friends, and they are like everything to me.

Off in the coupe, spreadin' the loot with my family and friends, and my closest of kin.

I like having family and friends around me. Our house is always overflowing with guests.

Easter is an arts and crafts moment where your whole family and friends can get involved.

It's a great feeling to be coming home and getting a chance to see my family and friends.

I'm a pretty loyal guy with friends and family, I've had the same friends for a long time.

I've been very lucky and I have a happy old age with good family and friends still around.

My schedule can be hectic, so I'm always trying to find time to see my friends and family.

I have great family and friends who constantly uplift me and make me feel good about myself.

Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends - they will never go out of fashion.

It's going to sound cheesy, but if I have family and friends I don't really care where I am.

My desire to be valued is manifested in cultivating relationships with my friends and family.

I think I am staying in Toronto. It keeps me grounded and I can be with my family and friends.

I'd like to get back to my family and friends - believe it or not, I do have some real friends.

It's always great to be home and play in front of family and friends, especially for a big game.

[Postpartum] is a raw time when you need your friends and family to swoop in in a very real way.

Inspiring passion in family and friends has more enduring value than just staying alive for them.

Mostly, I'm totally happy in my own space at home with the door closed with my family and friends.

It is important to have friends and family around that I love and trust and who love and trust me.

A lie is a lie... unless your friends and family are in on it. Then it's a "commonly held belief."

When I booked 'Hairspray,' I really didn't have a support system other than my family and friends.

My family and friends have been monumentally supportive from well before I was a published author.

We love to be with our family and friends and I can tell you that lots of eating will be involved.

No coach can really survive very well in this business without support from his family and friends.

Our family and friends keep us grounded and they are the reason we can all feel like normal people.

I love having my hair blown dry by a stylist and I also truly enjoy being with my friends and family.

I want to spend time with family and friends who make me happy and don't try to hurt me or my family.

During the holiday season, Christmas specifically, it can be hard to be away from family and friends.

And when I've been away from my family and friends, I have felt good hearing some of those old songs.

I had a birthday party with my family and friends at a house, and Chipotle catered. It was beautiful.

Weekends are sacred for me. They're the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends.

Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with family and friends.

I only get to spend about six to eight weeks in Australia now and I really miss my family and friends.

To me, that's the wealth of my life: my friends and family and the experience I get to share with them.

I was so interested in makeup, but I was pressured to follow what my family and friends wanted me to do.

'Butterfly Mosque' came out of the emails I wrote to family and friends back home after moving to Egypt.

I would be happy living on a massive ranch in Montana and not seeing anyone except my friends and family.

I've always got a home in England. My family and friends are there. It's a place I hold very close to me.

To sing with Led Zeppelin has allowed me to offer the best places I could afford to my family and friends!

I have my own sheep and I literally sheer the sheep and knot sweaters for friends and family from scratch.

...sometimes it only makes one more lonely to know that somewhere else, one's friends and family are well.

I have friends and family that are filled with massive amounts of integrity. And it shouldn't be an oddity.

Having people I love around me - friends and family - is great, but I don't necessarily need a relationship.

I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by close friends and family and they've definitely kept me grounded.

As many of you know I travel a good bit and do not get to see my friends and family as much as I would like.

I have always made sure that I put my game ahead of anything else, sometimes even before friends and family.

I was born in Luton, I grew up in Luton, and all my family and friends are still there. Luton is home for me.

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