Sentimentality is a false sense of self.

'The Big Lebowski' gave me my first false sense of intellectual superiority.

This industry is very make-believe and you caught in a false sense of what reality is.

I love things that are harsh and things that are too loud. And I love lulling people into a false sense of security. That's life.

That's the power of television. You come into people's homes every week, and that creates a familiarity and a false sense of intimacy.

Technology and communicating with people online or through a phone or through social media - it's a false sense of intimacy and connection.

A lot of times, we are trapped by our own false sense of security. You can do whatever it is you put your mind to. Your goal is to find your purpose.

With music you spend so much time standing on stage in front of an audience you get a false sense of your own importance. It's worth keeping that in check.

As the law catches up and the battle between corporate profits and social good plays out, we need to be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of privacy.

When we have built up armor against all the bad things we think might happen in the world, we have a false sense of protection and have only built up isolation.

I lull them into a false sense of security by watching me pitch... If overconfidence can cause the Roman Empire to fall, I ought to be able to get a ground ball.

Instead of generating either unnecessary alarm or a false sense of security regarding these fundamental issues, the best course is to empower people with the truth.

The pivotal scene in 'AK,' where Jackie Shroff 's character Singaperumal parades around his room in the buff, is a metaphor for his false sense of prde and arrogance.

For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock.

I know people who enjoy having 10 people running around and doing things for them. I don't. I feel awkward in such situations. It gives you a false sense of importance.

Photography can be a deceitful, superficial medium that leads us into believing something even though we know it's not necessarily true. It lulls us into a false sense of complacency.

The interviews themselves last a couple of hours and are cut down, so you can take your time lulling someone into a false sense of security before you hit them with the really weird questions.

When you have a lot of communication online before you go out with someone, it builds up a false sense of who the person is. There's a tendency to fill in the blanks with positive information.

After they killed Uday and Qusay, the focus centered on Saddam: Find him, kill him, capture him, whatever it takes. To me, it was a false sense of security: If we get Saddam, we're going to win this war.

If Hillary Clinton had been president, we'd have had a false sense of security. Trump has brought everything to the light - racism, homophobia. It's one of our darkest points, because we should know better.

It was quite risky to open the book with one of my quieter stories; I'm kind of trying, I think, to lure readers into a false sense of security and then assault them with a couple really loud, really strange stories.

What we worry about is actually the potential negative aspects of wearing a mask, where people are not protecting their eyes, or other aspects of where the virus could enter your body, and that gives you a false sense of confidence.

The fact that the price of gasoline has declined some in recent weeks must not allow Americans to be lulled into a false sense of security. Energy independence must rank along with border security as the top priorities of the United States.

Dogmas are collective conceptual prisons. And the strange thing is that people love their prison cells because they give them a sense of security and a false sense of 'I know.' Nothing has inflicted more suffering on humanity than its dogmas.

Athletes are used to battling. The public would never learn their names if professional athletes had not shown courage at an early age. They learn they can overcome, but sometimes this becomes a false sense of security that leads them to the edge.

I've worked on all sorts of things, like the sci-fi stuff for Vin Diesel, where the script is numbered and is in unphotocopy-able colours and your name is stamped into every page. And it doesn't really help because it creates a false sense of specialness about the thing.

There's been a false sense of security in the American people when it comes to environment issues and our water, because they believe that the EPA is there to protect us, and unfortunately, that system's not working right now. They're overburdened, understaffed, and underfunded.

Trust your gut instinct over spreadsheets. There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can't put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide.

I want people to think about movies and how we watch them. Let them know it's okay to question the structure or how we're sometimes duped into a false sense of normalcy. Most of all, I want people to question the old standard practices of, 'This is how the structure of something should work,' or, 'This is how a character must behave.'

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