I'm getting a lot of uninteresting romantic lead guys that look good and fall in love sort of garbage.

I'm lucky to have family around me. Otherwise, I'll be taking the risk of falling in love with myself.

It's like, it's up to the people to fall in love with the song. The record company can only do so much.

Falling in love is really relatively easy compared to staying in love and building a family that lasts.

I am so bored with seeing stories about a mature man of 65 falling in love with a beautiful girl of 32.

People don't become gay, bisexual, pansexual, transexual. People just fall in love with another person.

Why did someone fall in love with you because you are one thing and then want you to be something else?

So many roles for women demand that you make the audience fall in love with you or sympathise with you.

Falling in love was like falling off a cliff. It felt pretty much like flying until you hit the ground.

I fall in love with human beings based on who they are, not based on what they do or what sex they are.

I fall in love with Britain every day, with bridges, buses, blue skies... but it’s a brutal world, man.

Love is love, no matter who you fall in love with, love is love, it can be painful, it can be wonderful.

Truth be told, there is not one day that goes by when I don't fall in love with someone, with something.

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute final way.

When you're in theater or the circus or film - to me it's all one - affairs happen. People fall in love.

Poetry is designed to inspire love, and islam is about falling in love with the creator of the universe.

When a man falls in love, he wants to go to bed. When a woman falls in love, she wants to talk about it.

Why do fools fall in love? I'll tell you why, because everybody else has simply got too much else to do.

I'm sure I could fall in love with a Democrat as easily as a Republican. Some things transcend politics.

Before men can find peace and harmony within themselves they must first fall in love with their country.

You gotta keep falling in love. You gotta believe in it. What are you going to do... give sheep the vote?

I'm scared to fall in love, afraid to love so fast, cuz everytime I fall in love, it seems to never last.

How could anybody possibly have a problem with two people falling in love and finding happiness together?

It started out slowly, it's coming on fast. I got a feeling it's gonna last. Timber, I'm falling in love.

The world admits bears in pits do it, Even Pekingeses at the Ritz do it, Let's do it, let's fall in love.

The first book we fall in love with shapes us every bit as much as the first person we fall in love with.

I started dating older men, and I would fall in love with them. I thought they could teach me about life.

I fall in love with everything I also hate everything. It’s very hard to be a misanthrope and a romantic.

Falling in love is one of the activities forbidden that tiresome person, the consistently reasonable man.

I also love fall, when it starts to rain, or even just before the rain - that is the most inspiring thing.

I'm a character-driven director, and I tend to fall in love with the characters in my movies and TV shows.

If two people of the same sex fall in love and want to marry, why would our government stand in their way?

I need to fall in love with someone. Sorry - I mean fall in love with something. I need to wake myself up.

Am I falling in love? She thought, is it safe to do so with this man? She thought, I don't need to answer.

I don’t think there’s an option for me to fall in love slowly, or at medium speed. I either do or I don’t.

Having been married so many times, I know that one of the few things I am an expert in is falling in love.

I think we fall in love and become adults and become citizens in a way by writing stories about ourselves.

Setting my mind on a musical instrument was like falling in love. All the world seemed bright and changed.

It's never good to fall in love with someone whom you'd have to stab in the eyeballs to elicit a response.

Falling in love with landscapes is what L.A. women do. It doesn't necessarily imply betrothal or marriage.

I've always been the type to fall in love fast and, with every boyfriend, I plan out my wedding in my head.

Women are more likely to have sex and fall in love, which can be tough because that's not the way men work.

do u ever think, when ur all alone, all tht we could be, where this can go, am i crazy, or falling in love?

Falling in love isn't as easy as it seems when you've seen love crash and burn right in front of your eyes.

You choose the end of the summer to fall in love with this guy because secretly, you don’t want it to last.

I work for men that I would love to meet, somebody who I could fall in love with, someone who intrigues me.

Step 1, you find a girl to love. Step 2, she falls in love with you. Step 3, you kiss and hold her tightly.

Creativity is narcissism. Creativity is falling in love with one's self as you create. It's self-indulgent.

When first we fall in love, we feel that we know all there is to know about life, and perhaps we are right.

Every song is something that I've been through or an emotion I've felt - like falling in love or heartbreak.

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