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Other world? There is no other world; here or nowhere is the whole fact.
I've always liked the fact that galleries are free to visit in New York.
But what I think my emphasis is, is on the fact that I like music a lot.
The true facts are not always obvious. They often have to be looked for.
The safest words are always those which bring us most directly to facts.
Aliens don't get stuck in air ducts. It's practically a well-known fact.
I don't like to read nonfiction. To me, fact is something I can look up.
Motherhood is a biological fact, while fatherhood is a social invention.
There is, in fact, an incredible freedom in having nothing left to lose.
The problems for which I could find no solution in fact had no solution.
For every seeing soul, there are two absorbing facts - I, and the abyss.
The facts fairly and honestly presented; truth will take care of itself.
I believe we all must face the fact of death. It is both gift and curse.
I remember facts are just facts, circumstances are merely circumstances.
Knowledge of the fact differs from knowledge of the reason for the fact.
Those who fear the facts will forever try to discredit the fact-finders.
I wrote my songs despite the fact that I was a drunk, not because of it.
Being a journalist, Hacker had no particular talent for reporting facts.
It is like living in a wilderness of mirrors. No fact goes unchallenged.
I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.
When you decide to do this kind of music then you just accept the facts.
After a while, you have to be at peace with the fact that you simple are
As a historian I refuse to recognize an epochal boundary before the fact.
And the idea of ourselves is our escape from the fact what we really are.
psychological growth is the great gift and inexorable fact of human life.
China is the greatest mystifying and stupefying fact in the modern world.
Knowledge is knowing a fact, wisdom is knowing what to do with that fact.
My acting is still being recognized for the fact that I wasn't nominated.
I love to read, and I like the fact that there's some silence in my life.
I think I did have fantasies about being an actor. In fact, I know I did.
Even though we all know the facts, it's hard to resist the lure of a tan.
A low self-image is usually not based upon facts; it's mismanaged memory.
Everybody will die, but very few people want to be reminded of that fact.
Sometimes people confuse silence as wisdom when in fact it is compromise.
Sensationalism sells: Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
What is history after all? History is facts which become lies in the end.
Life does not consist mainly - or even largely - of facts and happenings.
We make to ourselves pictures of facts. The picture is a model of reality
If the brutal facts are not faced by leaders, the brutal reality sets in.
There's nothing worse than a bunch of jaded old farts, and that's a fact.
I like the fact that I'm living in the world rather than in a university.
The very fact that you are a complainer, shows that you deserve your lot.
Human folk are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals.
Economists are like computers. They need to have facts punched into them.
Facts are the images of history, just as images are the facts of fiction.
There is a difference between the facts of a person and the truth of him.
No reporter worth his buttons will let the facts intrude on a good story.
Men have no better guidance than examples and facts proved by experience.
A portrait isn't a fact but an opinion - an occasion rather than a truth.
I've never made a secret of the fact that I'd have loved to have children.